
during the weekend I've done cleanup and organization of dumps stored in 

What's new:

All available latest dumps are currently accessible in 
However, it is probably not the very final place of their storage.

Latest versions of dumps are being (semi)automatically downloaded an unpacked.

If you need .bz2, you can get it by
  bz2file=`readlink --canonicalize-existing 
where xmldumpfile is eg. foowiki-latest-pages-articles.xml

All available (= latest & historical) dumps are physically stored in 

If you need to download any dump which is not present in /mnt/user-store/dumps, 
please use /mnt/user-store/dumps/tmp directory, which is the only with write 
access. It will be added to the list of downloaded dumps and moved to proper 
place then.

If you had any files stored in /mnt/user-store/dump (emijrp, hippietrail) or 
had some non-dump files stored in dumps directories (kudu [enwiki], la2 
[svwiki], ryuch [kowiki]), you can find it now in 
/mnt/user-store/dumps/_to_clean - please remove it from there to your personal 
direcotries, thank you.

Members of enwikt MMP (conrad, daveross, hippietrail) - please fix your script 
to not download enwiktionary dumps to /mnt/user-store, but get them from 
/mnt/user-store/dumps/enwiktionary-latest-pages-articles.xml or 
/mnt/user-store/dumps/store/enwiktionary. As said above, it is being 
periodically checked and downloaded, so you don't have to care about 

What is coming next:

Fully automatical check'n'download (this will happen after we're back to Debian)
Comfortable API to get different types of dumps without having to know where 
exactly they are stored
Some system how to automatize adding of new requested wikis/dumps to 
autodownload batch (suggestions welcome)
Final stable directory structure
Anything else? Suggestions welcome...

Kind regards

Danny B.

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