At Friday 19 April 2013 01:03:25 DaB. wrote:
> > would be no way to separate Wikidata from the rest
> I don't understand why separating plaintext storage between different
> projects would be an issue. Is it all lumped into one storage
> "namespace"?
> I'm sure nobody at Wikimedia would be the least bit motivated to make
> this data available to the toolserver, but maybe it will be usable in
> labs. Otherwise it would be quite a waste of a great opportunity.

as you may know there is a rev_text_id-field in the revision-table. This field 
points to the text-table where the actual text is – or should be. Because the 
WMF doesn’t store the text here, but only a pointer ("DB://cluster25/11458305" 
for example). If you query different wikis you will see that most of them point 
to the same cluster or one with a number short by. That says me (and I was 
also told so before) that all text of all wmf-projects are stored together.
The task would now to separate wikidata from the rest – but the storage-area 
has no clue from where a text is which makes the separating very hard. And 
there is another problem: Deleted texts are also in this area, so even more 
filtering would be needed.
I very doubt that this situation will change at the TS and I also doubt that 
it will be different for WikiLabs. So I guess your best bet is the API here.


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