On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 16:38 -0700, Jim F. wrote:
> Hi Cecil,
> I use a K1 running 5 watts on 160m from a condo with a wire off the deck into 
> the woods 
> and  'creative' radials.
> One day a miracle happened and KH7O was calling CQ and heard my signal
> from NH and I was hooked.  Don't know how it happened but he was there all
> alone and we exchanged reports.   
> Nothing like that has happened since :-))  But hope springs eternal..
> 72 / 73
> jim / W1FMR

The trump statement (and I have seen it on this list).."propagation
rules". No matter about beverages and rotatable 160 meter seven element
quads at 1200 feet and 5 kw amps or qrp and a wet noodle. All of that
comes in somewhere behind propagation. Obviously all those other things
do matter. But this thread is about a season. Even when there is "slim
pickins" there is still pickin's..but only if you're there and trying.

I certainly can understand about removing the seasonal radials and even
seasonal antennas. Somebody here has to get out so the farmer can get
onto the field. Just fall back on your second string antenna system and
work what you can.

As for leaving QRP behind for summer operations I fully intend to do
just that. I'm going to smoke the coax with six point five watts!! <evil
grin>. I have been operating my Ranger on 160 at about 35 watts unless I
am in an official QRP mode and dial it back to 5 (or less). That's what
I have (and I have some more new parts to get it back on the air) so
that's what I use. If I had a big amp I know I would be tempted to turn
it ON. Top Band has me thinking about it. Better antennas first.


Bill  KU8H

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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