On 2013-01-18, at 4:24 PM, Martin wrote:
> A fellow ham has a problem with noise on 160m. The band is unusable due to 
> noise peaking 9+20 24/7.  I think the source is a sensor lamp in his 
> neighbours house. The neighbour complained about the lamp switching on and 
> off when Lutz transmits .
> I know this has been discussed here, please push me in the right direction.

Hi Martin,

Awhile back my son installed a set of those hand-capacity sensor lights for us 
here beneath the kitchen cupboards---they are quite nice-looking when 
activated, & are the type that if you touch the sensor button three times in 
succession, the lamps' intensity will increase accordingly...

I found the very same thing here: on any band, my RF would trigger the lights 
to activate, and when they were "on", the RFI in my receiver was terrible.

The only cure that I am aware of---and it works for me---is to COMPLETELY 
UNPLUG the lights from the AC mains before an operating session in the shack. 
When I first brought this subject up some months ago, I do not recall reading 
of ANY "fixes" beyond that, unfortunately...

...Hardly the sort of news that you'd want to hear when it's a neighbour being 
affected, surely, but that seems to be the nature of the beast, sadly...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector

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