In my earlier comments I avoided direct comparisons between the TS-590S and K3. 
In my experience anyone maligning or questioning a K3/P3 is eventually in for a 
few bee stings, as that topic brings out a swarm of loyalists defending the 

I was through this earlier this year on their group reflector. Many offered 
positive comments, some less so regarding my personal rig preferences and 
experience. It’s all good, however, and we’re still radio friends.

I’ve owned two K3’s, and early and current model. It’s main advantage for me 
was at very narrow BW (80-100Hz) inside a 250Hz roofing filter, the K3’s 
recovered weak CW on a noisy band was audibly ‘cleaner’ than my 590, MK-V 
Field, and IC-765. The sigs could be heard on all during my recent tests this 
last winter, but the K3 was better at that extraction. At that width, the NB 
and NR aren’t of value in improving the reception. At wider BW or other modes, 
the K3 advantage diminishes for me.

The rest of the time, BW, and modes I prefer the TS-590S on reception. Now with 
a potential ALC upgrade, it may be even better in my shack. My Alpha tolerates 
any spikes, but shouldn’t have to deal with them.

I’ll leave it at this. Use what you like, love, or makes you most successful 
given the quality of your station and location.

73, Gary NL7Y
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