Yesterday I decoded a Chinese station on 30m WSPR, at a level of -28. From
2014-09-02 21:34  BZ1UIF  10.140268  -28  0  ND81  5  W0BTU  EM37  17566

According to something you said in your interface PDF, the -28 seems to
indicate that I already have a decent sound card (among other things.) What
do you think?

73, Mike

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Jim Brown <> wrote:

> Also, use a good A/D converter to get the RX audio into your computer.
> Several good, inexpensive USB sound cards are listed on my website.
> Switching from the mic input of my laptop to these units allowed me to
> reliably decode signals 12 dB deeper into the noise on JT65.
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