I also have an issue with noise on top band.  In my case, it's crud from a 
local AM BCB, KEES 1430.  Took forever to figure it out, but when it starts, I 
put my 160m top band receiver in AM mode and can hear faint
modulation.  With my HiZ 4square, ( you know, the one that's not supposed to 
work since the 4 verticals are on opposite sides of my house? )  I can clearly 
tell it comes from the SW direction, and it only appears when
KEES goes QRO at sunrise.  Switch to NW, it goes away; ditto NE, SE..and, of 
course, I NEED to look SW
at s/r for skew path new ones !!!

By looking at the panadapter on my flex 6500, I can see KEES; they're not even 
THAT strong, (around -40 dbm) but the crud is definitely there, only down about 
30 db from the main signal.  It takes multiple phone calls, emails, mean 
facebook posts, and text messages to KEES and the FCC to get anything done 
about it.  Same thing happened couple years ago...

73 & good luck, W5XZ, dan, Longview, Texas

On Saturday, November 8, 2014 4:33 PM, Agelos-SV3RF via Topband 
<topband@contesting.com> wrote:

OOOOps...It seems no links allowed.
Anyway I found the radio under 3 different brand names.
ROYAL GUIDE RG-705, and,
This belongs to my previus post.
73' s de SV3RF Agelos

From: Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) <gold...@charter.net>
To: topband <topband@contesting.com> 
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:33 PM
Subject: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

Dear Topband Group,

I need to make a noise finding antenna that I can take in my vehicle to look 
for a source of noise on 160m and 80m bands.  My google searches have not 
yielded much information on something I can use on these bands or what I found 
was not clear to me on how to make one.  My plan would be to make something and 
then use my mobile setup to drive and try to find the source.  

Please any recommendations will be highly welcome.  

What I do believe is that its something that gets turned on in the night hours 
as its not there during the day and there are times at night when it goes away.

Thank in advance for your help.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
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