On 2015-02-04, at 12:45 PM, David Raymond wrote:

> I mentioned last week that we would be seeing over seas stations using US 
> based remotes stations to work K1N.  It was mentioned here that this won't 
> happen, and that the US remote station operators monitor this activity 
> carefully and do not permit it.  Well, it is happening.  I have personally 
> witnessed on IT9 station and one JA station using clearly NA based remote 
> stations to work K1N on 160m.  That's probably just the tip of the iceberg.  
> It's rather obvious when they are on 160m and are 20 or 30 db stronger than 
> the din of the DX stations calling.  There will be more.  Incidentally, they 
> were not signing at /W#, /K#, etc.  Realistically it's probably not 
> preventable but saddening.  

Why not just get rid of the radios entirely, & instead, have some sort of an 
on-line chat fest, similar to the old "Dr. DX" computer add-on of some 30 years 

"Senor, we doan neet yoor steenkeeng propagation heer, annaways...!!!"

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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