W2GD's so eloquently  expressed his feelings.... and I am 100% in agreement 
with him on this issue.
Ever since John AA1K gave a program at an FRC meeting in the early 80's  I have 
been  tweeking my 
battle with SN/ratio's   and man made nose. hours and hours, beverages, bogs 
K9AY and 4 sq receiving
array .... and  every  wire  every ground rod , was located @ " MY QTH "   no 
my mountain HOME  
 This remote receiving is akin to the days we had a 2mter spotting NET..... 
both simples and full duplex.
 some one would call out a station  i.e.  BY9QH  3539    and for the un 
believer's  after a " few I can't hear him "
The call out station would  open hi FM mic to his R4C receiver  and  most of 
use  would be more determined  to 
RE Read ON4UN's low band DX'ing  to see what  we might be able to do. 
I was there when W2GD worked a VU on the top band ... with this CRAZY notion 
promoting remote receive sites.
I should have keep calling and listing to  keep his  2mtr mic open and pray....
My  .02
Wayne   W3EA 

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