I felt conditions were "OK" to various parts of Europe throughout the
night. Yes, things would seem good to one location or another for a few
minutes, then just evaporate.

That station from Haiti 4V1TL had huge huge signal probably louder than any
Florida guy I heard.

A "new band greenie for me" on 160M was ER4A.

CW5W had a nice signal but had a hard time hearing - never got further than
"N3?" with me - and he was often near or under "other DX" (including 4V1TL
who had a kc cop who was trying to stop me from working CW5W).

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV <k2av....@gmail.com>

> I felt like the SE US was under a propagation blanket. A look at RBN, NA
> spotted by EU nodes made us notable by our absence, K3ZM the notable
> exception of course. EU would pop in for a few minutes and then go away. No
> clue as to the prop mechanics doing that. The on again off again
> propagation blanket no help copying QRP either.
> 73, Guy K2AV
> On Saturday, January 30, 2016, Jim Brown <j...@audiosystemsgroup.com>
> wrote:
> > On Sat,1/30/2016 11:19 AM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
> >
> >> But let's be clear headed about what QRP lays on the other end and what
> >> the
> >> dB realities are.
> >>
> >
> > Like Dave, you have articulated the issues pretty well. BTW -- I called
> > you several times last night, but prop wasn't very good (I heard a half
> > dozen NC stations, none of them very loud).
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> > _________________
> > Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
> >
> --
> Sent via Gmail Mobile on my iPhone
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
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