Hi Bruce,

I think what you experienced on channel 13 was a coincidence.

Tropospheric VHF and UHF band openings have nothing to do with any kind of
enhanced 160m conditions. Tropospheric bending occurs when a cold air mass
happens to be beneath much warmer air aloft. The reflection occurs where
the two layers meet because of the difference in energy levels.

And this bending is seldom very widespread, that is, not more than a ~1000
mile diameter area. (And then we have rare occurrences of multi-layer
tropospheric ducting and even E-skip, but that's another story.)

But hey, this is 160 meters, so who really knows for sure? :-)

73, Mike

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 10:22 AM, k1fz <k...@myfairpoint.net> wrote:

> 2  February 2017
> I like to watch channel 13 TV (UHF range) about 100 miles distant in
> Portland Maine. On the converter signal meter it usually is 15 to 18 units.
> It is good watching with some signal loss blips typically spaced several
> minutes.
> But on 2 February in the afternoon noticed that channel 13 was solid, no
> drop outs. Brought up the signal meter, and the readings were up in the 40s
> touching 50.
> Later near my sunset (2145- 2159 UTC) copied VK6LW working Europeans in
> the contest. The next morning JAs were working East Coast North Americans
> with good signals.
> Watched ABC World News later, and they had a video of a beautiful Aurora
> taken by a traveler on an airliner.
> Opinion: For a UHF TV station signal to be reflected as it was, the
> atmosphere must have been ionized at a relatively low elevation.
> Probably Aurora is not the only ionization source possible, but it is well
> watching to find 160 meter openings.
> Recent reports of echoes, yes I believe them.
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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