There is no question......... get them anyway you can mixed. 

If you want an all CW, SSB or Digital, go for it but don't belittle guys that 
don't have 500 ft. beverages in 6 directions and full size 4 squares for 

I have 91 countries on topband with an S-7/8 noise level and if it takes JT to 
get the last 9, so be it, then I'll worry about picking up the others on CW 
We don't hear whining that the all CW guys haven't gotten with the 21st century 
and don't know how to use modern technology, it the AM/SSB flap all over again.
Next thing you know people will start complaining "he worked him in June, not 
the REAL DXer's season" hi hi hi  Rick 
There are more planes in the ocean than submarines in the sky

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