My guess is also the steel wires, which have very poor conductivity at HF compared to copper.  Aluminum fence wire is also not a good choice and would likely literally dissolve if buried, depending on soil characteristics.  I use army surface field phone wire, which is a mix of copper and steel strands, both wires in parallel for each radial.  The insulation makes zero electrical difference with buried radials but should preserve the wire for many years.  About $60.00 for 2km on Ebay including shipping.

On 1/29/2018 6:48 PM, terry burge wrote:
Hi guys,

I've had two or three different hy-towers in my time and I don't recall any of 
them having this high of SWR on 80/75 mtrs at resonant. Maybe it is the 
galvanized radials from the local farm store (Wilco)?

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