The "Fat" TX antenna worked pretty well towards the N - NW. Also, by the early mornings I was able to turn up the TX power to 1400 W, as the other CW stations went off the air. So, Ukrain, while clearly at the edge, was entirely possible. Of course, I would have been very suspicious if I heard a G or EI calling... but I did not hear anything out of line. As you point out, the DX operator has no way to tell if somebody is listening via a remote receiver.

Anyway, I think that anybody cheating, is primarily cheating himself.

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018 10:12:15 +0100
 Dave Sharred via Topband <topband@contesting.com> wrote:

I have no axe to grind, I wasn't QRV. Hever,  Nick does raise a good point.
First, if it is correct there is a small possibility of propagain around Sunset 
for Serbia and Ukraine, 20 minute window to Baker Is.   However, it's not 
really the dx season for EU to Pacific.
With great respect the Baker Is. Topband system was compromised,  a 43ft fat 
vertical,  so an EU QSO must be optimistic at best. 
If the EU guys had fantastic antennas, they may just be able to make the trip, 
with lots more power potentially too.   To me, if you are using a favourable 
located remote RX,  not in EU, that would not be a good QSO in my ethics.
Further, since these things are available, it's not in my ethics to use remote tx/rx outside of your home country, to claim dx contacts. Lastly, from the dx end, it's impossible to tell if the QSO is remote assisted or not, however, if it's outside of a real opening time, if I was the dx, I would delete the qso from my log as dubious
73 Dave G3NKC  (op at MD4K, PZ5K and others)

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From: uy0zg <uy...@mksat.net> Date: 14/07/2018 09:48 (GMT+00:00) To: Peter Voelpel <dj...@t-online.de> Cc: topband@contesting.com Subject: Re: Topband: KH1/KH7Z TopBand Ops Brief
Peter, Peter....

We all know each other here ( in Ukraine).

Hard DX, such as KH1, can hear even in the season (autumn-spring) as a whole
several antennas - UR5AS, UR0MC, UX1UA ..

And now it's summer! July ..

Do not be children, gentlemen.


Peter Voelpel писал 2018-07-14 11:17:
It seems that nowadays there are many who believe that remote reception was
used by others when they were not able to work a dx station.


Peter, DJ7WW
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