Added this info to my clock alarm.
Thanks Jose

Pedro - CT1EKD

Citando zemurt...@mail.telepac.pt:

No, not yesterday and not today, I think they had a antenna problem due to a storm.

But I have made it to the Log in 1.831 split up 1832,04 in the 18th August at 05:18 UTC.

That's the best time for us in CT1.

73  Jose  CT1EEB

Citando CT1EKD <ct1...@mail.telepac.pt>:

Hi Topbanders
Any reports from south or south-western Europe at 160m this morning?  
Pedro - ct1ekd


Citando Anthony DeBiasi <k...@comcast.net>:

Wind and rain on the island moved their in-the-water guy support for the 160 vertical preventing them from getting on 160 last night.  They are planning to be QRV tonight on both CW and FT8.  Look for them on 1844 when on FT8 and 1832 CW.  Note they had to move their FT8 frequency due to software restrictions WSJT-x in Fox/Hound mode.

73, Tony K2SG
East Coast Pilot

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