The preliminary scores for the recent PreStew / LBJ contest are
continuously updated on the Stew web site -

It seems that activity AND conditions were pretty good around the world and
there are some impressive scores.  We almost have 300 logs submitted and I
would like to encourage anyone who was active to submit their log.  This is
especially true for those who were running low or QRP power - as the people
who worked you will get bonus points if you send in your log confirming the

The new name - LowBand Jack - for this event was inspired by the recent
passing of Jack, VE1ZZ, who is a TopBand legend.  The October event will
now be called the LowBand Jack.

Many thanks to all of the people who got on and filled up the band with
beautiful sounding CW.  Mark your calendars for December 29th for the "Big"

73 Tree N6TR
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