".have attached 30 insulated wire radials each 42' in length (as suggested

in a K9YC presentation referencing a K3LC study in the NCJ) laying on the

ground roughly evenly distributed. The paper said that 12 radials would be

"adequate" but I had room and materials for 30 so that's what I laid out.."


".I measured the SWR curve and it starts at 2.0 @ 1800 and bottoms around

1.4 @ 1840 but it doesn't rise above 2.0 again until 1940.  That is far too

broad, right?  Lots of loss somewhere still?..."



I believe it's waaaaay, waaaay too broad of an SWR Todd.  I think all your
power is going to warm worms (or whatever lives in the ground where you are
this time of year).


I'm curious.  Why did you use only 42' long radials?  If it's space
limitations, I understand.  Not all of us live in the country.  My $$ is on
a poor ground system. The "vertical" part sounds good.


GL with this.I've been following along.


Mike VE9AA



Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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