Way back some where around the original posting did he not say he had
2 160 antennas up and they are close to each other?  a short vertical and
this antenna?   If so what is the short vertical doing,  is it floating or
grounded or hooked to the ground system yet,  what is its status?
Would make all the difference in the world if the short 160 vertical is
any where around yet.

73 Merv K9FD
Have to pay attention to everything he is reporting. He added a feedpoint
choke per K9YC at the same time. Which may, depending on the physical
connections at his feedpoint, have removed the feedline shield as an
alternate “radial” in parallel with the increasing but still not full size
radial system.

That indicates that his ground characteristics could be well into the
“poor” end of the range where ground radial deficiencies are multiplied and

His SWR bandwidth narrowed slightly. Leaving a strong possibility that
there was an improvement in desired radiated pattern.

There remains the question of every conductor in a 250 foot radius,
including a tower? There remains the question of large dielectric masses
close by.

73, Guy K2AV

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