reading Mike's post reminded me of something else re: DX-Peditions of this 
I am talking about the Cheap and Easy vs the Lots of work and not cheap. We 
have those where the idea is RATE so they do bands where they can get 200 per 
hour and ignore the tough low bands or almost ignore them. You can't set up a 
low band station with a little tripod and yagi on top of some hotel complete 
with so 
much RF interference you can't hear beans on the low bands. Think about the 
extra equipment needed to provide such a station setup as our low band 
specialists set up and tore down as well as picking some location to setup the 
station where the antennas would do the most good with the least possible 
amount of RF interference. On this the website for V84SAA is a DONATE button.

 Or when you apply through OQRS for your QSL cards there is an optional donate 
a little extra button available.
Lets show our appreciation.
John k9uwa

> FANTASTIC job Jeff ! ! !
> My hat is off to both of you and the team, to make this happen.  It was not 
> easy
> or cheap, I am sure.
> Mike VE9AA

John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

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