I'm Very sad about this.
I tryed several nights but We Never have a change to make it, because of the "Only JA or Only NA" .
We at S-West Europe have a diferent propagation from the Central-Europe...
For what I can see ONLY 1 CT station is on the log on 160m...
better days will come

Pedro - CT1EKD

Citando Wes <wes_n...@triconet.org>:

Congratulations to those who made a QSO.  I was away, and probably wouldn't be in the hunt anyway with my modest station.

But I'm troubled by this:

On 3/16/2019 7:44 AM, Tree wrote:
first station made it into the log - although the call was busted by one
letter.  Typically - this is good enough.

When did this become good enough?

Wes  N7WS

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