It's us little pistols who make up a good deal of your scores I expect. Not 
that I'm such a little one but this season I have not even been able to get my 
inv 'L to work right. Put in power and SWR goes thru the roof????? Go Figure. 
Planning on seting up a K2AV FCP but it won't be by next weekend and my 
favorite 160 contest....160CQSSB. Been lazy this winter I guess.


> On February 17, 2020 at 10:54 AM Bill Stewart <> wrote:
> Even us little pistols can have loads of fun. I managed to work 41 DX stns 
> with 
> 35 countries. Seventeen stns were in EU & 17 in the Carib. Rest in Cent. Am. 
> and KH6. I was hearing strong EU stns just before our sunset, but my first EU 
> QSO 
> was around 0100Z on Fri and 0Z on Sat night. The strongest EU sigs were in 
> the 
> S-7/S-8 range and Carib stns mostly a true 59+. KH7M & KH6/N6DA both bumping 
> S9 plus at times. My last log entry was LY7Z at 2351Z Sun night. Not being in 
> the 
> contest, I just hunted and pounced on the strongest sigs. Got some, missed 
> some. 
> I was using a TS-440S, 100W, a run-of-the-mill Inv. L. I heard no bad 
> ops...all were 
> courteous and no big pileups. As noted, there were a few speed demons, but 
> some 
> careful listening got them figured out. One op, may have been S50C, worked 
> with 
> me over a minute to get me in his log. All gave me a good chance to get thru. 
> Fun! 
> 73 de Bill K4JYS/NC 
> _________________
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