On 12/25/2020 9:22 AM, David Raymond wrote:
If you're running a 6L6 tied to the gutter (i.e., QRP)

While some who practice QRP do, indeed, think that includes Mickey Mouse antennas, others of us do not. W6JTI has a great antenna farm on a mountain top on California's "lost coast;" N4OGW, rarely sounds like he's QRP, and I have three quarter-wave verticals.

The bad news for me is that the guys I've had clearing out our woods to defend our home against wildfires have decimated the radial systems for those antennas, so that even running legal limit, I don't get past W9. I ran those radials 14 years ago when I was 65; at 79, I must rely on friends and others who I can pay to do it.

73, Jim K9YC
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