No EU prop to CA at all.  I saw G3YRO spotted but heard
nothing on my new 9 circle RX array.

OTOH, I worked over 30 JA's between 0900Z and 1030Z.
A fair number were reporting only 100 watts.
Also worked ZM4T.

I supposedly QSO'ed UZ3DD with the 9 circle
beaming to Asia.  I see that UZ3DD is reported
as valid by SCP, but in not shown on QRZ.  WFWL?

Rick N6RK

On 2/22/2021 8:16 AM, wrote:
No Propagation here in AZ either night,,I could hear East Coast stations working EU.. BUT could NOT here anything out here..
Even JA's were VERY slim and weak both mornings..
Still FUN!!

On 2021-02-22 15:58, Roger Kennedy wrote:
Yes, most contacts were on the East Coast . . . farthest West was Oklahoma .
. . also worked into Georgia and Florida.

But didn't even hear any of the big signals I regularly work in Texas,
Colorado, Arizona etc.

It makes me wonder how many QSOs I would have had if the band had been open
further west !

Roger G3YRO

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