Rodolfo; My suggestion was only to use TBC as a tool to check the
validity of your queries before going through the edit-compile-test

In terms of adding constraints "dynamically" (not exactly sure what
dynamically means here), a constraint is a triple:
 <class> spin:constraint [query]

...where <class> is the class the constraint is defined on (meaning
the rule/constraint is applied to all members of that class), and
[query] is the bnode that contains the RDF representation of your

Given that you can add a triple at any time, a constraint can be added
at any time.  Then re-run SPINConstraints.check() to get the results.

-- Scott

On Oct 7, 10:52 am, Rodolfo Rieckhof <> wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks for your answer Scott,   but is there any way to use SPIN without the
> TBD, and add the constraints with the api dynamically ?
> 2010/10/7 Scott Henninger <>
> >  Rodolfo; There may be a couple of SPIN principles that may be helpful to
> > you.  The first is that constraints, constructors and rules are defined for
> > a class and applied to its members.  The second is that ?this should be used
> > to state that the query is applied to individual members.  I.e. in the
> > following query:
> >  1) is defined as a spin:constraint property for bad:Device
> >  2) the triple pattern <?dev rdf:type bad:Device> is not necessary because
> > ?this is pre-bound to each member of bad:Device
> >     _:b0 a spin:ConstraintViolation .
> >     _:b0 spin:violationRoot ?this .
> >     _:b0 spin:violationPath bad:deviceIngressProtection .
> >     _:b0 rdfs:label "the value should be between 20 and 30" .
> > }
> > WHERE {
> >     ?this bad:deviceIngressProtection ?value .
> >     FILTER ((?value < 20) || (?value > 30)) .
> > }
> > In this case, I'm using Composer's constraint violation infrastructure to
> > show this, so I'm creating a ConstraintViolation instance and hanging it on
> > the bad:deviceIngressProtection property.
> > I'm attaching a model that demonstrates this.  You can try it out in TBC
> > Free/SE/ME.
> > -- Scott

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