Hi Jack,

on the syntactic issue of escaping characters in SWP, you could wrap this piece of logic into a SPIN function where you can edit the spin:body in normal SPARQL syntax. Then just call the function in SWP, and this will also resolve the need to repeatedly write the same stuff.

Your email indicates that you have the logic running in the SPARQL window, so the trick above may allow you to take the next hurdle.


On 1/26/2015 5:18, Jack Hodges wrote:
As you know, SPARQL doesn't care for backslashes (\) and SWP doesn't care for underscore (_) characters. I have some labels with underscores in them that need to be maintained and rendered after passing through SWP. I would like to replace underscore characters with their escaped versions, and when I do this statically (no SPARQL bindings) it works in the SWP.

I thought I'd use spif:replaceAll in the SPARQL query but SPARQL complains about the backslash. I changed to the HTML version of backslash (\) and that is fine in the SPARQL window:

*BIND* (spif:replaceAll (?rlabel, "_", "\_") *AS* ?rl2) .

but the SPARQL embedded in a ui:group doesn't like the spif:replaceAll call. So I am being thwarted at every place I try to do this replacement by one thing or another.

Surely I am not the only one to have run into this kind of problem. I cannot do the replacement in the model because it is curated by another agency.

Is there a way to replace all occurrences of underscores with escaped versions, preferably a function call that can be made anywhere inside a ui:group?

Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks,

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