I am working on logic that will populate my SWP content based on some 
calculations that must take place locally. What I really need is a local 
variable that I can update the value of based on its previous value and the 
current set of values coming in through the result set. I tried using 'var 
foo = ...;' but didn't know how to reference 'foo' inside the '{= ...} 
expression. The '?foo' didn't work.

Is there a way to do this? At first I thought I might be able to achieve 
this by writing a SPIN rule but even though I can implement that 
calculation associated with the variable I cannot update the variable 

For example, lets say I have a ui:foreach as follows:

<ui:forEach ui:indexVar="index" ui:resultSet="{= ?entries }">{= spin:nl() } 
  {= ui:newline() }var curry = {= eddl:boxStartYPosition(?index, curry, 
eddl:bcydist(?range)) };\draw (12,{= ?curry })    ...}
  {= ui:newline() }</ui:forEach>

where ?range is defined within the SPARQL response in ?entries and ?curry 
was originally defined at the outer ui:group using 'let'.

Any ideas/pointers would certainly be appreciated!!! Thanks.


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