> Thanks Holger,

AFAICT this is not the issue (thought I am now a little wiser about those 
options :-)  - what you have highlighted is the default, which i would have 
used. I created a new file and made sure that option was checked, then went 
to Scripts and "create new script" and got the same result (not showing up)

One thing that is a little opaque and not what i initially expected - one 
 spmotion file may contain multiple scripts (?)  - it would be nice if 
create script gave you a warning what is was going to do - i opened it when 
having my existing script file open, and it just blanked the open Graph 
display.  The only place I can see where the set of scripts in the file are 
visible is in the Scripts/EditScript dialog - is there anywhere else it 
should be shown?


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