
We are working on a group project that runs using web services on Amazon 
Cloud. Our models are deployed to TBL (Tomcat).

We would like to have better control of our deployment strategy (currently 
we deploy directly from a git repository to TBL in the cloud).

We would like to mirror a software development deployment strategy:

- Local development on developer's machine, including unit tests
- Local integration testing
- Release testing and QA
- Deployment to official instance

In the semantic world, we envision this as possibly:

- Local testing in TBC
- Local testing with TBCME instance of TBL
- Deploy to non-official project in cloud for integration testing
- Deploy to official project in cloud

The issue of how to manage ontology merges in the git repository is an 
on-going discussion topic, but we are interested on how others have address 
the staged deployment issue.

Thank you any/all for comments...

Jack Hodges

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