I have a project that defines AssetTypes, Landing pages customisations, 
some class rendering defaults etc

Tried opening it on TBC 6.0 and EDG throws this error (after refreshing SWP 

I have read the upgrading notes in the EDG developer guide, 

TopBraid Live Personal Server — Error

An internal error has been reported by SWP engine of TopBraid Live

No insertion point with id titleArea found in sub-tree starting at [ROOT: 

This turns out to be because the prototype of teamwork:Header has changed - 
and previous instructions to clone things leave us vulnerable to such 

Reading the ui:insertionPoint documentation it strikes me that in the 
interests of reusable module development...

1) it would be reasonable for the implementation of ui:insert to throw a 
meaningful error, identifying the actual instance it is trying to insert 
into - and perhaps a warning in the log file (i.e. ability to make this a 
non-fatal error) 

2) changes to insertionPoints and other customisations should be listed on 
"whats changed" and referenced from the Developer Guide "updating" section, 
with non backward compatible changes (such as mandatory contract to provide 
insertionPoints!) highlighted. 

3) There should be a way of listing the available insertionPoints - and an 
explanation for what sort of things should be inserted - and this could be 
done by having the body of the insertion point being help text or example 

e.g.  <ui:insertionPoint ui:pointId="toolbar">

            <a href="action1.html">Button1</a>&nbsp;

            <a href="action2.html">Button2</a>


This would dramatically improve self-documentation abilities for EDG 

I will post another suggestion about references to objects within 

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