   In our current project’s Taxonomy Management application, each taxonomy 
has multiple Approved (can't be editable) versions and a Draft version, 
which move through editing and review steps before marking it as Approved. 
The procedure followed in our application is that when a version (say 
version 1.0) of a taxonomy is Approved then the work could begin on a new 
Draft version (2.0). Repeat the procedure for 2.0, etc. Here, until and 
unless the previous Approved versions are manually deleted by taxonomists 
those versions will be there forever (Please check the below screenshot). 
Now, we are looking for the similar feature in TopBraid EDG/EVN.

    Coming to the TopBraid EVN/EDG, my understanding is that the EDG/EVN 
allows to have only one Production copy. And once a working copy's all 
changes are committed to Production copy then the Production copy gets 
updated with the changes from that committed working copy and that working 
copy is deleted. So, my question is that whenever a working copy is 
committed then is there a way to make that committed working copy as 
version of Production copy with a tag name as that working copy's name? so 
that multiple Production Copies (versions) available at once for a 


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