Hi William,

you would get all properties if you simply delete the FILTER statement. Or do I misunderstand your question?

On the BIND statements, note that the human-readable display label of these properties are stored in a different graph than ?projectGraph. You may want to switch to

    BIND (swa:labelInGraph(?p, ui:graphWithImports(?projectGraph)) AS ?property)

which switches to a graph that includes the owl:imports of the master graph.


On 30/10/2018 7:51 AM, William Ramos wrote:
Yes, that works exactly as I was expecting, thanks a lot, Holger.

*Could you please help me with another question?*
In my project we are aiming to create a JSON SWON service which returns all the values from the taxonomies' metadata.
Currently we have an SPARQL statement that goes like this:

SELECT ?projectGraph ?property ?value
        rdf:nil teamwork:graphsUnderTeamControl ( ?projectGraph ?teamGraph ) .
        GRAPH ?projectGraph {
            ?projectGraph a <http://evn.topbraidlive.org/evnprojects#Taxonomy> .
            ?projectGraph ?p ?o .
            FILTER (?p = <http://topbraid.org/metadata#identifier> || ?p = <http://topbraid.org/metadata#version> ) .
            BIND (ui:label(?p) AS ?property) .
            BIND (ui:label(?o) AS ?value) .

The question is if there's a way to retrieve the values/labels for each property under the *metadata *instead of explicitly asking for them as seen on the *FILTER* statement above.

Ideally we'd like to get similar values to as what's seen on the EDG application under each taxonomies' "Setting" tab, on the "Metadata" section, please see screenshot below:

Thanks in advance.

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