I was curious and simply adding &_withImports=true to the URL of the existing Export Collection as a Graph links does the trick.

If you want to have this available conveniently, you'd need to create an SWP file that owl:imports teamwork.ui.ttlx, then navigate to teamwork:ExportEntireProjectPlugin and in the context menu behind ui:overrides, select Create ui:override. In the prototype of that, change ui:queryGraph="{= teamwork:projectOrTagGraph(?projectGraph, ?tag) }" to ui:graphWithImports(...)


On 14/11/2018 3:42 AM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
RDF export will mostly export only the selected graph. I am saying mostly because there is a new TRIG export which will do the closure of included graphs making each into a named graph. However, TRIG is Turtle.

If you need JSON-LD, you will need to add a custom export.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2018, at 11:54 AM, Dan Segal <dan.segal.w...@gmail.com <mailto:dan.segal.w...@gmail.com>> wrote:

In EVN, I have a taxonomy that includes another taxonomy.

For example:

  * urn:x-evn-master:vocab2


  * urn:x-evn-master:vocab1

I need to export *vocab2* as JSON-LD. However, the default /Taxonomy as a Graph/ function in the EVN /Export /menu generates values from *vocab2* only.  It does not include the values from *vocab1*.

Is there a parameter that I could add to the query so that it includes the imported graph - for example, */with-imports=true/* - or would I have to create new SPARQLMotion from scratch?

Dan Segal

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