If you open teamwork.ui.ttlx and navigate to spin:MagicProperties (in TBC) you'll see many examples of magic properties built into TopBraid. One of them is teamwork:graphsUnderTeamControl which has the following body

            ?file tops:files ( "/" true ) .
            FILTER smf:hasBaseURI(?file) .
        } .
        BIND (smf:baseURI(?file) AS ?baseURI) .
        FILTER teamwork:hasTeamGraph(?baseURI) .
    } .
    BIND (teamwork:teamGraph(?baseURI) AS ?teamGraph) .

and is used as

    () teamwork:graphsUnderTeamControl (?baseURI ?teamGraph)

in queries.

So basically, simply have the SELECT query return multiple variables.



On 27/11/2018 11:14 am, Jack Hodges wrote:
Does anyone have an example magic property example they can share that 
illustrates a multiple-column return set? I see from the documentation that it 
is possible but my examples don’t work. Thank you in advance.

Jack Hodges

Sent from my iPad

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