I am trying to use 2 columns returned by a magic property (identifiers and 
values, respectively) and to sum the values of like identifiers.

I wrote a recursive SPIN function that does the job if the arguments are 
rdf:Lists (since I can recurse on rdf:List). But the magic property that 
provides the columns is not doing so in the form of rdf:List. So I am 
looking for alternative approaches to solving the problem. Has anyone done 
this kind of thing before? I am provided detailed information below:

The original magic property (below) grouped and summed the results nicely, 
but could not be run as a web service, so we turned to using the 
efunc:getQuantitySet results as input to another magic property that would 
group and sum.

*SELECT*  ?uID (*SUM* (?demand) *AS* ?total)


    "test1" *efunc:relevantBuildings* ?resourceID .

    *BIND* (efunc:getLargestModNum(?arg1, "BID_LOAD", ?resourceID) *AS* 
?modNum) .

    ( ?eventID ?modNum ?resourceID "BID_LOAD" ) *efunc:getQuantitySet* ( 
?uID ?demand ) .


*ORDER* *BY* (xsd:integer (?uID))

So I defined a new magic property to get just the results of the 
efunc:getQuantitySet magic property but without the GROUP and SUM 


*SELECT* *DISTINCT* ?resourceID ?uID ?demand


    *?arg1* *efunc:relevantBuildings* ?resourceID .

    *BIND* (efunc:getLargestModNum(*?arg1*, "BID_LOAD", ?resourceID) *AS* 
?modNum) .

    ( ?eventID ?modNum ?resourceID "BID_LOAD" ) *efunc:getQuantitySet* ( 
?uID ?demand ) .



Which, when executed as follows:


*SELECT* ?resourceID ?uID ?demand


    *BIND* ("178805" *AS* ?arg1) .

    ?arg1 *efunc:getLatestForecasts* (?resourceID ?uID ?demand) .



produces content like this:


[resourceID]          uID                  demand


(s) AAS                (s) 15              (F) 0.055

(s) AAS                (s) 7                (F) 0.093

(s) CIEE               (s) 0                (F) 0.056

(s) CIEE               (s) 8                (F) 0.073

Test the sum SPIN function (efunc:sumForecasts) with expected arguments:


*SELECT* ?result


    *?arg2* rdf:first ?uifirst .

    *?arg2* rdf:rest ?uirest .

    *?arg3* rdf:first ?fcfirst .

    *?arg3* rdf:rest ?fcrest .

    *BIND* (*IF*((*?arg1* = ?uifirst), *IF*((?uirest = rdf:nil), ?fcfirst, (
?fcfirst + efunc:sumForecasts(*?arg1*, ?uirest, ?fcrest, *?arg4*))), *IF*((
*?arg4* != 0), ?fcfirst, *IF*((?uirest != rdf:nil), efunc:sumForecasts(
*?arg1*, ?uirest, ?fcrest, *?arg4*), *?arg4*))) *AS* ?result) .



Which, when executed as follows:


*SELECT* *DISTINCT* ?item ?sum


    *BIND* (nmtest:intervalList *AS* ?arg2) .

    *BIND* (nmtest:forecastList *AS* ?arg3) .

    ?arg2 (rdf:rest)*/rdf:first ?item .

    *BIND* (efunc:sumForecasts(?item, ?arg2, ?arg3, 0) *AS* ?sum) .

} *ORDER* *BY* ?item


on the following rdf:Lists:


nmtest:intervalList: ["0", "0", "1", "2", "2", "3"]

nmtest:forecastList: [0.056, 0.056, 0.054, 0.052, 0.052, 0.4]


produces content like this:


item            sum


(s) 0            0.112

(s) 1            0.054

(s) 2            0.104

(s) 3            0.4


It does not seem reasonable to convert the results of efunc:getQuantitySet 
to rdf:List, so I am looking into a Javascript version to take the original 
results of efunc:getQuantitySet and sum them. Any advice would be most 

Jack Hodges, Siemens

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