Dear Irene
I agree part of obscurity comes from cdt datatype approach for quantitykinds...
If only we had some simple resources from qudt2....a length.....a meter.
Length seems still not there.

Then i could use a hasvalue restriction on qudt:quantitykind being a length for 
my Height subclass of Property....

Assuming i could then infer for all instances of Height that the quantity kind 
was length

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-----Original Message-----
From: Irene Polikoff []
Received: woensdag, 10 jul. 2019, 18:07
To: []
Subject: Re: [topbraid-users] from property to constraint

If you are using hasValue restriction on a datatype property, then the value in 
the restriction must be a literal. Nothing else would make sense - irrespective 
of the species of OWL. If you want to use a resource in this restriction, then 
it should be an object property. This would also be true if you were using one 
of the built-in types as a value e.g., xsd:string in owl:hasValue 
restrictionbecause this restriction says that the value of the property = 
xsd:string, not that the type of the value is xsd:string.

If you were to use allValuesFrom, then would be saying that the type of values 
must meet the constraint, so in this case, you can set the restriction to your 
new datatype even if the restricted property was a datatype property.

I read your explanations and I continue to find the modeling approach you are 
describing confusing and obscure.

You are not using the standard according to its entailed semantics or the 
typical practices. The meaning of OWL statements are defined by the inferences 
they produce. Anyone who would try to interpret your model using normal 
expectation would come to the wrong assumptions about what it is trying to say 
and how to use it. Whether in the end, what you produces passes the criteria of 
being in DL or not, it is irrelevant. It would largely depend on the data. If 
you use allValuesFrom, but never have any actual values for bs:quantityKind, 
then there isn’t anything for the validation to be concerned about.

In the end, it is all RDF and one can say anything they want in RDF. You could 
decide to treat OWL simply as a vocabulary that gives you some language 
elements that you are using in a way you decide, not following any standard 
semantics. However, my advise would be to not do this. If, for whatever reason, 
the standard use does not work for you, I would advise to create your own 
language and not use OWL namespace. You could define your own my:hasValue and 
use it to mean anything you want. Then, everyone would be clear that they 
should not assume OWL semantic, but need to read and follow the definitions you 
supply for this property.

On Jul 10, 2019, at 11:36 AM, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users 
<<>> wrote:

> please reconsider....
> it is exactly related with the issue I had earlier with the quotes when doing 
> a hasValue constraint...I wanted without quotes (meta) but then I needed an 
> allvaluesfrom constraint...)

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