Hi Tim,

I think it would be difficult to have a different class for different 
levels of process steps. Manufacturing processes usually consist of a 
varying number of sub processes and depending on who you ask there are more 
or less processes to model.

Would it not be possible to have a class 'ProcessStep', which is a 
rdf:subClassOf itself?
That way you can have instances of a process step with all the attributes 
of a process step for every subprocess. The overall parent process would 
then be recognized by it not being the subclass of any other process. This 
subclass relation represents the conceptual grouping of manufacturing steps.
Another relation can be used to model which process comes after this 
process. Representing the fysical manufacturing process a product goes 
through. This relationship could indicate that step 1 takes place before 
step 2, which takes place before step 3. The subclasses of step 3 (3a and 
3b) also have a relation between them to indicate 3b follows 3a.

I hope I've been able to help you a little

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