This is from the TBC Help page for SPARQL Property functions:

SPARQL Property Functions

   - tops:statementDefinedIn

   - *Syntax:* (?subject ?predicate ?object) tops:statementDefinedIn
      - *Description:* Returns the defining ontology base URI for a given
      statement. The statement should exist in or be imported into the current
      - *Example:* If ?baseURI variable is bound as a literal or a uri

      SELECT ?baseURI
      WHERE {
        (geotravel:Accommodation rdf:type owl:Class)
tops:statementDefinedIn ?baseURI

      The above query returns the base URI of geotravel ontology.

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 2:33 PM lip vault <> wrote:

> In a SPARQL query, is there a simple way to return the graph where a
> triple pattern is defined?  In topbraid hovering over a restriction
> statement will give one a blurb of information.
> One of the statements in the blurb is the specific rdf file where the
> restriction is defined.  Can you do something like this in SPARQL.
> I tried it and was hoping to have all the ?g IRIs returned, but it didn't
> work.
> ?s rdfs:subClassOf ?p .
> GRAPH ?g
> {
> ?p a owl:Restriction .
> ?p owl:onProperty propertyICareAbout .
> ?p owl:someValuesFrom classICareAbout .
> }
> }
> Thanks in advance, and any help appreciated.
> --
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