When I want to select attributes from different classes (monster & meting) that 
share the value of another attribute (here 'bpsStartKilometrering'), I now use 
the red below in annex 1.

In the results I however get lines where   ?meting sa:bpsStartKilometrering 
?bpsStartKilometrering . is not satisfied.

The example instance has startKilomtrering 3100 and the year is 2020 and 
sumofrafeling has some values..
But the original measure do not have year/sum for 3100!

So I guess I have to do differently? Like having 2 variables: 
bpsStartKilometrering1 and bpsStartKilometrering2 (one for Monster and one for 
Meting) and then somehow:

It seems now the result lines become (many) joins of subquestion results per 
class that are not subsetted by using the same variable...

Annex 1 sparql select code

SELECT ?spec ?bpsWeg ?bpsStartkilometrering ?eisvoormengseltype ?minhol ?maxhol 
?eiszeef2 ?eiszeef0dot063 ?minbind ?monster ?locatie ?monsterLaag ?laag 
?bitumenSoort ?verdichtingsgraad ?holleruimtePercentage ?bindmiddelPercentage 
?doorZeef2millimPercentage ?doorZeef63micromPercentage ?jaar ?somVanRafeling
  ?spec rdf:type sa:OntwerpSpecificatie .
  ?spec sa:bpsWeg ?bpsWeg .
  ?spec sa:mengselVoldoetAanDeEisenVoor ?eisvoormengseltype .
  ?spec sa:minimumPercentageHolleRuimte ?minhol .
  ?spec sa:maximumPercentageHolleRuimte ?maxhol .
  ?spec sa:algemeneEisPercentageDoorZeef2mm ?eiszeef2 .
  ?spec sa:algemeneEisPercentageDoorZeef0dot063mm ?eiszeef0dot063 .
  ?spec sa:minimalePercentageBindmiddel ?minbind .
  ?monster rdf:type sa:Monster .
  ?monster sa:bpsWeg ?bpsWeg .
  OPTIONAL { ?monster sa:bpsStartKilometrering ?bpsStartkilometrering } .
  ?monster sa:locatie ?locatie .
  ?monster nen2660:hasPart ?monsterLaag .
  ?monsterLaag rdf:type sa:MonsterLaag .
  ?monsterLaag sa:mengselType "SMA-NL 11B" .
  ?monsterLaag sa:laag ?laag .
  ?monsterLaag sa:bitumenSoort ?bitumenSoort .
  OPTIONAL { ?monsterLaag sa:verdichtingsgraad ?verdichtingsgraad } .
  OPTIONAL { ?monsterLaag sa:holleruimtePercentage ?holleruimtePercentage } .
  OPTIONAL { ?monsterLaag sa:bindmiddelPercentage ?bindmiddelPercentage } .
  OPTIONAL { ?monsterLaag sa:doorZeef2millimPercentage 
?doorZeef2millimPercentage } .
  OPTIONAL { ?monsterLaag sa:doorZeef63micromPercentage 
?doorZeef63micromPercentage } .
  ?meting rdf:type sa:MonitoringMeting .
  OPTIONAL { ?meting sa:surfaceOmschrijving "SMA-NL 11B" } .
  ?meting sa:jaar ?jaar .
  ?meting sa:bpsWeg ?bpsWeg .
  ?meting sa:bpsStartKilometrering ?bpsStartKilometrering .
  OPTIONAL { ?meting sa:somVanRafeling ?somVanRafeling } .

Annex 2 unwanted result (one of many)

      "spec": {
        "uri": https://w3id.org/sa/def#_505007,
        "label": "_505007"
      "bpsWeg": {
        "lex": "N317"
      "bpsStartkilometrering": {
        "lex": "3100",
        "dt": "integer"
      "eisvoormengseltype": {
        "lex": "Sma - NL 11 B 40/60"
      "minhol": {
        "lex": "4.50",
        "dt": "double"
      "maxhol": {
        "lex": "8.00",
        "dt": "double"
      "eiszeef2": {
        "lex": "28.00",
        "dt": "double"
      "eiszeef0dot063": {
        "lex": "7.70",
        "dt": "double"
      "minbind": {
        "lex": "6.4",
        "dt": "double"
      "monster": {
        "uri": https://w3id.org/sa/def#_12A,
        "label": "_12A"
      "locatie": {
        "lex": "km 3.1 6.00m uit LK"
      "monsterLaag": {
        "uri": https://w3id.org/sa/def#_12A1,
        "label": "_12A1"
      "laag": {
        "lex": "1",
        "dt": "integer"
      "bitumenSoort": {
        "lex": "70/100"
      "verdichtingsgraad": null,
      "holleruimtePercentage": {
        "lex": "4.00",
        "dt": "double"
      "bindmiddelPercentage": {
        "lex": "6.50",
        "dt": "double"
      "doorZeef2millimPercentage": {
        "lex": "26.40",
        "dt": "double"
      "doorZeef63micromPercentage": {
        "lex": "8.50",
        "dt": "double"
      "jaar": {
        "lex": "2020",
        "dt": "integer"
      "somVanRafeling": {
        "lex": "4",
        "dt": "integer"

Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Scientist Specialist
Structural Reliability

T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20
E michel.bo...@tno.nl<mailto:michel.bo...@tno.nl>



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