I am creating instances in a Data Graph based on a combination of
proprietary ontologies, Data Assets, Enterprise Assets, and Technical

The work process to create instances is confusing and requires a
significant amount of "clicks".

For example, I have a custom class, :MODEDiscover, that inherits from
edg:BusinessActivity.  :MODEDiscover is the object of sh:class in a shape
for another class.  When click the + sign to add a instance of
MODEDiscover, I get this window.

[image: image.png]

However, if I select MODEDiscover from the class hierarchy in the Data
Graph and click +New in the instance panel, I can create an instance in the
Data Graph with no issue.

>From the user experience perspective, I need to be able to click the + sign
next to the property shape to maintain the context of what the user is
doing.  However, forcing the user into another tab to edit another asset
collection is simply confusing to a non-skilled user and frustrating to

I can understand why you want to force certain asset types into their
defining collections.  However, there are implications for the user
experience.  What is becoming a common use case is to create 4 instance
graphs, one Data Graph which imports the next three which are instance
graphs for Data Asset, Technical Asset and Enterprise Asset collections.

Is there a way to streamline the user experience?  Perhaps allow the
addition of assets that don't belong in a data graph without pushing the
user to a new tab but still place them in the correct graph?  (of course if
more than one target asset collection was included, then the user would
need to be prompted to choose the correct graph).

Lastly, if the above isn't possible, can we enable the instantiation of
these instances directly in the Data Graph?  +New (in the instance panel)
allows this today but using it is like creating all of the instances first,
and then going back through each one to "wire" them together.  This works,
of course, but is challenging for the user and will result in validation
errors for non-optional relationships until you circle back and create and
connect the target object.



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