Hi Franz,

Concerning your question about Requirement traceability I think you should use 
the requirement module of TOPCASED : TOPCASED-REQ.
This module has some features to manage traceability :
.       Upstream document import (xlsx, docx, ods, csv, odt, reqtify)
.       Requirement traceability by drag and drop from your requirement to a 
model element (specification, design.)
.       Traceability matrix export (xls)
.       Impact analysis to manage new version of document
.       And of course some utility methods to get the requirements from an 
element in document generation template.
All of this is explained in this tutorial : 

Tristan FAURE

-----Message d'origine-----
De : topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr 
[mailto:topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr] De la part de Topcased user 
list where issues are discussed
Envoyé : vendredi 10 février 2012 11:19
À : topcased-us...@gforge.enseeiht.fr
Objet : Re: [Topcased-users] Integration with BIRT

Dear TopCased Community,

a question concerning traceability. I am using the currently newest version of 
TopCased, version 5.1.

We now have finished the requirements analysis phase. 
The necessary UML diagrams have been generated and a number of current 
requirements are specified.

Within the same model we now enter the Software architectural phase.
The results of the requirements analysis phase are the input.
We generated some UML components specifying SW-Groups and SW-Modules.
We assigned tasks (low-level requirements) to the SW-Modules. 

We now have to generate the traceability between the low-level requirements of 
the SW-Modules and the current requirements specified during the requirements 
analysis phase.

How does this work within TopCased? I am not able to recognize a mechanism 
within TopCased to generate the desired traceability.

Within the generated current Requirements there is a parameter Allocate, which 
is currently empty. Shall that parameter be used to generate the traceability 
between current Requirements of the Requirements Analysis phase and the 
low-level requirements of the SW-Modules?

I guess there shall be no break between Requirements Analysis and Software 
Development phase. Does the TopCased community provide a solution for that 

Best regards

Franz Schöttl

-----Original Message-----
From: topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr 
[mailto:topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr] On Behalf Of Topcased user 
list where issues are discussed
Sent: Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012 16:56
To: topcased-us...@gforge.enseeiht.fr; Topcased-users@lists.gforge.enseeiht.fr
Subject: Re: [Topcased-users] Integration with BIRT


TOPCASED provides its own document generator : Gendoc2.
You can find more information about TOPCASED Gendoc2 in the following tutorial :

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr 
[mailto:topcased-users-boun...@gforge.enseeiht.fr] De la part de Topcased user 
list where issues are discussed
Envoyé : mercredi 8 février 2012 14:18
À : Topcased-users@lists.gforge.enseeiht.fr
Objet : [Topcased-users] Integration with BIRT


I would like to use a "UML Data Source" with Topcased to produce a report of 
the UML Data.

I know that this feature is possible with RSM but IBM use his own plugin.

I didn't found a generic solution which will operate for any uml editor.

Can you help me ?


Sorry for my poor english ^^

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