#32802: retire kvm4, 8 VMs to migrate
 Reporter:  anarcat                              |          Owner:  anarcat
     Type:  project                              |         Status:
                                                 |  accepted
 Priority:  High                                 |      Milestone:
Component:  Internal Services/Tor Sysadmin Team  |        Version:
 Severity:  Major                                |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  tpa-roadmap-may                      |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                                       |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:
Description changed by weasel:

Old description:

> kvm4 is getting fairly old. it's been setup in 2015 and is showing sign
> of old age. for example today it freaked us all out by not returning
> after a reboot right before the holidays (#32801). considering how
> critical that server is (email, puppet, ldap, jenkins, dns, web mirror,
> all the windows buildboxes!) we should start considering a
> decomissionning process.
> at the very least, we need to get eugeni the heck out of there.
> we have budget to provision another ganeti cluster, so let's use it to
> replace this, and hopefully more. the existing cluster has already taken
> more than its share by taking machines from both kvm1/textile and moly,
> so it's time we provision more hardware for this.
> this requires a new ganeti node (fsn-node-06, #33907).
> machines to be migrated:
>  * [x] alberti.torproject.org (LDAP) #33908
>  * [ ] build-x86-09.torproject.org (build server) - RETIRE - replaced
> with build-x86-11 on gnt-fsn
>  * [ ] eugeni.torproject.org (email) #32803
>  * [x] meronense.torproject.org (metrics) #33909
>  * [x] neriniflorum.torproject.org (DNS) #33910
>  * [ ] oo-hetzner-03.torproject.org (metrics) #33911
>  * [x] pauli.torproject.org (puppet) #33912
>  * [x] rouyi.torproject.org (jenkins) #33913
>  * [x] web-hetzner-01.torproject.org (static mirror) RETIRE
>  * [x] weissii.torproject.org (windows build box) #33914
>  * [ ] winklerianum.torproject.org (windows build box) turned off,
>  * [ ] woronowii.torproject.org (windows build box) turned off, RETIRE?

New description:

 kvm4 is getting fairly old. it's been setup in 2015 and is showing sign of
 old age. for example today it freaked us all out by not returning after a
 reboot right before the holidays (#32801). considering how critical that
 server is (email, puppet, ldap, jenkins, dns, web mirror, all the windows
 buildboxes!) we should start considering a decomissionning process.

 at the very least, we need to get eugeni the heck out of there.

 we have budget to provision another ganeti cluster, so let's use it to
 replace this, and hopefully more. the existing cluster has already taken
 more than its share by taking machines from both kvm1/textile and moly, so
 it's time we provision more hardware for this.

 this requires a new ganeti node (fsn-node-06, #33907).

 machines to be migrated:

  * [x] alberti.torproject.org (LDAP) #33908
  * [/] build-x86-09.torproject.org (build server) - RETIRE - replaced with
 build-x86-11 on gnt-fsn
  * [x] eugeni.torproject.org (email) #32803
  * [x] meronense.torproject.org (metrics) #33909
  * [x] neriniflorum.torproject.org (DNS) #33910
  * [ ] oo-hetzner-03.torproject.org (metrics) #33911
  * [x] pauli.torproject.org (puppet) #33912
  * [x] rouyi.torproject.org (jenkins) #33913
  * [x] web-hetzner-01.torproject.org (static mirror) RETIRE
  * [x] weissii.torproject.org (windows build box) #33914
  * [ ] winklerianum.torproject.org (windows build box) turned off, RETIRE?
  * [ ] woronowii.torproject.org (windows build box) turned off, RETIRE?


Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/32802#comment:13>
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