#31282: O3.1 - Research different scenarios of how human rights defenders
experience censorship.
 Reporter:  gaba     |          Owner:  antonela
     Type:  project  |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium   |      Milestone:
Component:  UX       |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal   |     Resolution:
 Keywords:           |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #31269   |         Points:
 Reviewer:           |        Sponsor:  Sponsor30-must

Comment (by phw):

 Thanks for this, antonela. Your scenarios should cover the majority of
 censorship scenarios that Tor users experience. All three scenarios
 however can result in the same kind of censorship, so from Alice's point
 of view it makes little difference if she's subject to on-device or to
 ISP-based blocking because the effect is the same. All three scenarios can
 result in the following:

 1. The domain torproject.org is blocked (user must use GetTor to get Tor
 2. Directory authorities are blocked (user must use bridges)
 3. Default bridges are blocked (user must use non-default bridges)
 4. Vanilla Tor is blocked by protocol (user must use obfs4 or snowflake)
 5. bridges.torproject.org is blocked (user must use moat)
 6. Google's STUN server is blocked (user must use something other than

 All that said, here are two more scenarios, for the sake of completeness:

 * Self-censorship: fear of consequences may prevent users from learning
 about or using Tor Browser.
 * Throttling: In theory, an adversary could throttle (but not block) Tor
 traffic, in an attempt to discourage people from using it.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/31282#comment:4>
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