commit 4b656e741478aa6f32e6dbcf5398c7e5fbce069f
Author: Robert Ransom <>
Date:   Sun May 29 03:59:07 2011 -0700

    [2714] Move task-2649 to task-2714
 task-2649/.gitignore                          |    3 -
 task-2649/MOVED                               |    1 +
 task-2649/README                              |   31 ---------
 task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability       |   12 ----
 task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl   |   83 -------------------------
 task-2649/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists      |   28 --------
 task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability         |    9 ---
 task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot |   12 ----
 task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs               |   19 ------
 task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk           |   25 --------
 task-2714/.gitignore                          |    3 +
 task-2714/README                              |   31 +++++++++
 task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability       |   12 ++++
 task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl   |   83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 task-2714/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists      |   28 ++++++++
 task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability         |    9 +++
 task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot |   12 ++++
 task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs               |   19 ++++++
 task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk           |   25 ++++++++
 19 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

diff --git a/task-2649/.gitignore b/task-2649/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ca2bd..0000000
--- a/task-2649/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/task-2649/MOVED b/task-2649/MOVED
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11dbb4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2649/MOVED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This directory has moved to task-2714.
diff --git a/task-2649/README b/task-2649/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 4283696..0000000
--- a/task-2649/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  These scripts are intended to determine how unstable the set of
-  relays with the HSDir flag is.
-  You will need linedemux and linemux installed.  See branch parrun in
- for now.
-  You will also need Tcl 8.5.9 and gnuplot 4.4.0 installed.
-  First, unpack all of the v3 consensus archive tarballs you want to
-  analyze into a single directory, and set the consensus_archive_dir
-  environment variable to point to that directory.
-  Then run:
-    ./generate-consensus-hsdir-lists
-    ./compute-hsdir-set-instability
-    ./graph-hsdir-set-instability
-  This code compares each consensus with each of the four following
-  consensuses; it should compare each hour's consensus with the
-  consensuses in effect in each of the four following hours.
diff --git a/task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability 
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a5e767..0000000
--- a/task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# This script must be run as ./compute-hsdir-set-instability .
-find out/consensus-hsdir-lists -type f -print |
-sort |
-tclsh8.5 compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl |
-tee out/hsdir-set-instability |
-sed -e 's/$/                    /' |
-tr '\n' '\r'
diff --git a/task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl 
deleted file mode 100644
index 24afb97..0000000
--- a/task-2649/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-set hsdir_set_name_list {}
-array set hsdir_sets {}
-proc read_file_lines {filename} {
-    set chanid [open $filename r]
-    set contents [read -nonewline $chanid]
-    close $chanid
-    return [split $contents "\n"]
-proc get_hsdir_set_name {filename} {
-    return [file tail $filename]
-proc read_hsdir_set {set_name filename} {
-    global hsdir_sets
-    set hsdir_set [read_file_lines $filename]
-    set hsdir_sets($set_name) $hsdir_set
-proc forget_hsdir_set {name} {
-    unset -nocomplain hsdir_sets($name)
-proc list_set_symmetric_difference_size {l1 l2} {
-    set l1 [lsort -ascii -unique $l1]
-    set l2 [lsort -ascii -unique $l2]
-    set both [lsort -ascii -unique [concat $l1 $l2]]
-    set l1i 0
-    set l2i 0
-    #set result {}
-    set result_length 0
-    foreach x $both {
-        set n_inputs_containing_x 0
-        if {[lindex $l1 $l1i] eq $x} {
-            incr l1i
-            incr n_inputs_containing_x
-        }
-        if {[lindex $l2 $l2i] eq $x} {
-            incr l2i
-            incr n_inputs_containing_x
-        }
-        if {$n_inputs_containing_x & 1} {
-            #lappend result $x
-            incr result_length
-        }
-    }
-    #return $result
-    return $result_length
-rename list_set_symmetric_difference_size lssds
-while {![eof stdin]} {
-    set x [gets stdin hsdir_set_filename]
-    if {$x == -1} {break}
-    set hsdir_set_name [get_hsdir_set_name $hsdir_set_filename]
-    read_hsdir_set $hsdir_set_name $hsdir_set_filename
-    lappend hsdir_set_name_list $hsdir_set_name
-    if {[llength $hsdir_set_name_list] == 5} {
-        lassign $hsdir_set_name_list set0 set1 set2 set3 set4
-        puts "$set0\
-              [llength $hsdir_sets($set0)]\
-              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set1)]\
-              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set2)]\
-              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set3)]\
-              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set4)]"
-        forget_hsdir_set [lindex $hsdir_set_name_list 0]
-        set hsdir_set_name_list [lrange $hsdir_set_name_list 1 end]
-    }
diff --git a/task-2649/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists 
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c09ac8..0000000
--- a/task-2649/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# This script must be run as ./generate-consensus-hsdir-lists .
-# This script will die horribly later if $consensus_archive_dir
-# expands to a string containing a shell metacharacter, so don't try
-# to not die now.
-test -z $consensus_archive_dir &&
-export consensus_archive_dir=/usr/local/opt/tor-consensuses
-mkdir -m 0700 -p dev/
-for i in 0 1 2 3 ;do mkfifo -m 0600 dev/in$i dev/out$i || true ;done
-mkdir -p out/consensus-hsdir-lists
-(cd "$consensus_archive_dir" ;find consensuses-* -type f -print ) |
-sed -e 's|^|./list-consensus-hsdirs |' |
-linedemux --fname -- dev/in0 dev/in1 dev/in2 dev/in3 &
-sh <dev/in0 >dev/out0 &
-sh <dev/in1 >dev/out1 &
-sh <dev/in2 >dev/out2 &
-sh <dev/in3 >dev/out3 &
-linemux --fname -- dev/out0 dev/out1 dev/out2 dev/out3
diff --git a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability 
deleted file mode 100755
index 013d287..0000000
--- a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# This script must be run as ./graph-hsdir-set-instability .
-gnuplot >out/ <<EOF
-set terminal postscript color solid
-load "graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot"
diff --git a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot 
deleted file mode 100644
index c497395..0000000
--- a/task-2649/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set xdata time
-set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
-set format x "%Y-%m"
-set xrange ["2011-01-01-00-00-00":]
-set yrange [0:1]
-plot "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($6/$2) with filledcurves title 
"4 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($5/$2) with filledcurves title 
"3 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($4/$2) with filledcurves title 
"2 hr",\
-     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($3/$2) with filledcurves title 
"1 hr"
diff --git a/task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs b/task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs
deleted file mode 100755
index d6edb27..0000000
--- a/task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# This script must be run as ./list-consensus-hsdirs , by
-# generate-consensus-hsdir-lists.
-consensus_basename="$(basename "$consensus_file" -consensus )"
-hsdir_list_dir="out/consensus-hsdir-lists/$(echo "$consensus_basename" |cut -f 
1-2 -d - )"
-mkdir -p "$hsdir_list_dir"
-awk -f list-consensus-hsdirs.awk <"$consensus_archive_dir/$consensus_file" 
-echo "generated HSDir list $consensus_basename"
diff --git a/task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk 
deleted file mode 100644
index 343c5e7..0000000
--- a/task-2649/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-    OFS=":"
-    idDigest="<oops>"
-$1 == "r" {
-    idDigest=$3
-$1 == "s" {
-    isHSDir=0
-    for (i = NF; i >= 1; --i) {
-        if ($i == "HSDir") {
-            isHSDir=1
-        }
-    }
-    if (isHSDir != 0) {
-        print idDigest
-    }
-    idDigest="<oops>"
diff --git a/task-2714/.gitignore b/task-2714/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ca2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/task-2714/README b/task-2714/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4283696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/README
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  These scripts are intended to determine how unstable the set of
+  relays with the HSDir flag is.
+  You will need linedemux and linemux installed.  See branch parrun in
+ for now.
+  You will also need Tcl 8.5.9 and gnuplot 4.4.0 installed.
+  First, unpack all of the v3 consensus archive tarballs you want to
+  analyze into a single directory, and set the consensus_archive_dir
+  environment variable to point to that directory.
+  Then run:
+    ./generate-consensus-hsdir-lists
+    ./compute-hsdir-set-instability
+    ./graph-hsdir-set-instability
+  This code compares each consensus with each of the four following
+  consensuses; it should compare each hour's consensus with the
+  consensuses in effect in each of the four following hours.
diff --git a/task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a5e767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This script must be run as ./compute-hsdir-set-instability .
+find out/consensus-hsdir-lists -type f -print |
+sort |
+tclsh8.5 compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl |
+tee out/hsdir-set-instability |
+sed -e 's/$/                    /' |
+tr '\n' '\r'
diff --git a/task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24afb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/compute-hsdir-set-instability.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+set hsdir_set_name_list {}
+array set hsdir_sets {}
+proc read_file_lines {filename} {
+    set chanid [open $filename r]
+    set contents [read -nonewline $chanid]
+    close $chanid
+    return [split $contents "\n"]
+proc get_hsdir_set_name {filename} {
+    return [file tail $filename]
+proc read_hsdir_set {set_name filename} {
+    global hsdir_sets
+    set hsdir_set [read_file_lines $filename]
+    set hsdir_sets($set_name) $hsdir_set
+proc forget_hsdir_set {name} {
+    unset -nocomplain hsdir_sets($name)
+proc list_set_symmetric_difference_size {l1 l2} {
+    set l1 [lsort -ascii -unique $l1]
+    set l2 [lsort -ascii -unique $l2]
+    set both [lsort -ascii -unique [concat $l1 $l2]]
+    set l1i 0
+    set l2i 0
+    #set result {}
+    set result_length 0
+    foreach x $both {
+        set n_inputs_containing_x 0
+        if {[lindex $l1 $l1i] eq $x} {
+            incr l1i
+            incr n_inputs_containing_x
+        }
+        if {[lindex $l2 $l2i] eq $x} {
+            incr l2i
+            incr n_inputs_containing_x
+        }
+        if {$n_inputs_containing_x & 1} {
+            #lappend result $x
+            incr result_length
+        }
+    }
+    #return $result
+    return $result_length
+rename list_set_symmetric_difference_size lssds
+while {![eof stdin]} {
+    set x [gets stdin hsdir_set_filename]
+    if {$x == -1} {break}
+    set hsdir_set_name [get_hsdir_set_name $hsdir_set_filename]
+    read_hsdir_set $hsdir_set_name $hsdir_set_filename
+    lappend hsdir_set_name_list $hsdir_set_name
+    if {[llength $hsdir_set_name_list] == 5} {
+        lassign $hsdir_set_name_list set0 set1 set2 set3 set4
+        puts "$set0\
+              [llength $hsdir_sets($set0)]\
+              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set1)]\
+              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set2)]\
+              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set3)]\
+              [lssds $hsdir_sets($set0) $hsdir_sets($set4)]"
+        forget_hsdir_set [lindex $hsdir_set_name_list 0]
+        set hsdir_set_name_list [lrange $hsdir_set_name_list 1 end]
+    }
diff --git a/task-2714/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c09ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/generate-consensus-hsdir-lists
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This script must be run as ./generate-consensus-hsdir-lists .
+# This script will die horribly later if $consensus_archive_dir
+# expands to a string containing a shell metacharacter, so don't try
+# to not die now.
+test -z $consensus_archive_dir &&
+export consensus_archive_dir=/usr/local/opt/tor-consensuses
+mkdir -m 0700 -p dev/
+for i in 0 1 2 3 ;do mkfifo -m 0600 dev/in$i dev/out$i || true ;done
+mkdir -p out/consensus-hsdir-lists
+(cd "$consensus_archive_dir" ;find consensuses-* -type f -print ) |
+sed -e 's|^|./list-consensus-hsdirs |' |
+linedemux --fname -- dev/in0 dev/in1 dev/in2 dev/in3 &
+sh <dev/in0 >dev/out0 &
+sh <dev/in1 >dev/out1 &
+sh <dev/in2 >dev/out2 &
+sh <dev/in3 >dev/out3 &
+linemux --fname -- dev/out0 dev/out1 dev/out2 dev/out3
diff --git a/task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..013d287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This script must be run as ./graph-hsdir-set-instability .
+gnuplot >out/ <<EOF
+set terminal postscript color solid
+load "graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot"
diff --git a/task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c497395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/graph-hsdir-set-instability.gnuplot
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"
+set format x "%Y-%m"
+set xrange ["2011-01-01-00-00-00":]
+set yrange [0:1]
+plot "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($6/$2) with filledcurves title 
"4 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($5/$2) with filledcurves title 
"3 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($4/$2) with filledcurves title 
"2 hr",\
+     "out/hsdir-set-instability" using 1:(0):($3/$2) with filledcurves title 
"1 hr"
diff --git a/task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs b/task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6edb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# This script must be run as ./list-consensus-hsdirs , by
+# generate-consensus-hsdir-lists.
+consensus_basename="$(basename "$consensus_file" -consensus )"
+hsdir_list_dir="out/consensus-hsdir-lists/$(echo "$consensus_basename" |cut -f 
1-2 -d - )"
+mkdir -p "$hsdir_list_dir"
+awk -f list-consensus-hsdirs.awk <"$consensus_archive_dir/$consensus_file" 
+echo "generated HSDir list $consensus_basename"
diff --git a/task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343c5e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/task-2714/list-consensus-hsdirs.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+    OFS=":"
+    idDigest="<oops>"
+$1 == "r" {
+    idDigest=$3
+$1 == "s" {
+    isHSDir=0
+    for (i = NF; i >= 1; --i) {
+        if ($i == "HSDir") {
+            isHSDir=1
+        }
+    }
+    if (isHSDir != 0) {
+        print idDigest
+    }
+    idDigest="<oops>"

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