commit 793de41a0c69c1b8edd339c3fecb7ef23390c6a1
Author: Roger Dingledine <>
Date:   Tue Dec 11 16:19:18 2018 -0500

    get rid of the decoy, unmaintained, donor-faq
 donate/en/donor-faq.wml | 455 +-----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 452 deletions(-)

diff --git a/donate/en/donor-faq.wml b/donate/en/donor-faq.wml
index c09edcdd..bf08040c 100644
--- a/donate/en/donor-faq.wml
+++ b/donate/en/donor-faq.wml
@@ -1,457 +1,8 @@
 ## translation metadata
 # Revision: $Revision$
-# Translation-Priority: 3-low
+# Status: obsolete
+#include "donatehead.wmi" TITLE="Redirecting" 
-#include "donatehead.wmi" TITLE="Donate to keep Tor alive!" CHARSET="UTF-8"
-<div class="donation">
-    <div class="container"> 
-    <div class="row text-justify">
-      <div class="col-md-12 col-md-offset-0">
-          <a href="<page donate/donate>" class="btn btn-primary btn-md active" 
role="button">Back to donate page!</a>
-      </div>
-          <div class="col-md-12 col-md-offset-0">
-              <h2 style="padding:2px; margin-bottom:10px;" 
class="text-justify">Donor FAQ</h2>
-          <ol>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>What is the Tor Project and what does it 
-            <p>The Tor Project’s mission is to advance human rights
-            and freedoms by creating and deploying free and open
-            anonymity and privacy technologies, supporting their
-            unrestricted availability and use, and furthering their
-            scientific and popular understanding. The main product of
-            the Tor Project is Tor Browser, which enables people
-            to browse the internet anonymously.  The Tor Project is a
-            501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization based in Boston,
-            Massachusetts. It was founded in 2006.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Who works for the Tor Project, and what do they 
-            <p>Thousands people around the world actively support the
-            work of the Tor Project, including developers, designers,
-            relay operators, researchers, cryptographers, computer
-            scientists, and privacy advocates, and most are not paid
-            by the Tor Project. The paid staff of the Tor Project
-            is very small: about 20 people in total. You can read
-            about the core contributors to the Tor Project on our <a
-            href="<page about/corepeople>"
-            target="_blank">Core People page</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Who uses Tor?</strong></p>
-            <p>The vast majority of Tor users are ordinary people who
-            want control of their privacy online or people whose internet
-            use is censored. Other Tor users are journalists, human
-            rights defenders, domestic violence survivors, policymakers,
-            diplomats, and academic and research institutions.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can anyone use Tor?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes! Tor is free, and anyone can
-            use it. To get started, you will need to <a
-            href="<page projects/torbrowser>"
-            target="_blank">download the Tor browser</a>. We
-            offer instructions on how to download for <a
-            href="<page projects/torbrowser>#windows"
-            target="_blank">Windows</a>, <a
-            href="<page projects/torbrowser>#macosx"
-            target="_blank">Mac OS X</a> and <a
-            href="<page projects/torbrowser>#linux"
-            target="_blank">Linux</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>What kinds of people support Tor?</strong></p>
-            <p>All kinds of people. Thousands of individuals have donated
-            to support the Tor Project, and we have also received funding
-            from a wide range of organizations including Google, the Ford
-            Foundation, the Knight Foundation, Reddit, the U.S. National
-            Science Foundation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation,
-            Human Rights Watch, the Swedish International Development
-            Cooperation Agency, the Federal Foreign Office of Germany,
-            the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Omidyar Network, SRI
-            International, and Radio Free Asia. People also support Tor in
-            non-financial ways, for example by running Tor relays and exit
-            nodes. In addition, everybody who uses Tor is helping to keep
-            other users safe and anonymous, because the more people using
-            Tor, the harder it is to identify any single individual</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>How does the Tor software work to protect people's 
-            <p>Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around
-            the Tor network, which is a distributed network of relays
-            run by volunteers all around the world. If someone is
-            watching your internet connection, Tor prevents them
-            from finding out what sites you are visiting. It also
-            prevents sites you visit from finding out where you're
-            located. You can read more about how Tor works on our <a
-            href="<page about/overview>"
-            target="_blank">overview page</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>I would like to know more about how Tor works,
-            what onion services are, or how to run a relay.</strong></p>
-            <p><a href="<page docs/faq>"
-            target="_blank">This Tor Project FAQ</a> has answers to all
-            those questions, and more.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Does the Tor software work?</strong></p>
-            <p>We believe Tor is the best solution available today,
-            and we know that it does a better job of keeping you
-            safely anonymous than other options such as VPNs,
-            proxychains, or browser "private browsing" modes. We
-            know that both the Russian government and the NSA
-            have tried in the past to crack Tor, and failed. The
-            Electronic Frontier Foundation says that Tor offers "<a
-            target="_blank">some of the strongest anonymity software
-            that exists</a>, and in his book Data and Goliath, security
-            expert Bruce Schneier wrote "The current best tool to protect
-            your anonymity when browsing the web is Tor."</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Is what Tor does legal? Can I get in trouble for
-            using it?</strong></p>
-            <p>Downloading the Tor browser or using the Tor network
-            is legal in nearly every country. A few web sites
-            occasionally block Tor, but that doesn't mean you're
-            doing anything wrong. Usually it means that site has had
-            difficulties with visitors who've been using Tor in the
-            past, or that they misunderstand what Tor is and how it
-            works (we’re working to change this). But it is not
-            illegal to use Tor, and you shouldn't get in trouble for
-            doing it. You can find more information about Tor's legal
-            status <a href="";
-            target="_blank">on the EFF site</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Where can I find out more about the Tor Project,
-            especially financial information?</strong></p>
-            <p>Here are the Tor Project's <a
-            href="<page about/financials>"
-            target="_blank">financial statements, and its Form
-            990</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Where does the Tor Project's money come
-            from?</strong></p>
-            <p>Tor is supported by United States government funding
-            agencies, NGOs, private foundations, research institutions,
-            private companies, and nearly 8,000 personal donations
-            from people like you. The exact percentage varies by year,
-            but in any given year, 80-90% of the Tor Project's funding
-            comes from United States government funding sources. See
-            <a href="<page about/sponsors>"
-            target="_blank"></a>
-            for more.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>How much money does the Tor Project spend annually,
-            and what is it used for?</strong></p>
-            <p>The Tor Project spends about $2.5 million annually. About
-            80% of the Tor Project's spending goes on staffing, mostly
-            software engineers. About 10% goes towards administrative
-            costs such as accounting and legal costs and bank fees. The
-            remaining 10% is spent on travel, meetings and conferences,
-            which are important for Tor because the Tor community is
-            global.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Is my donation tax-deductible?</strong></p>
-            <p>If you pay taxes in the United States, your donation to
-            Tor is tax deductible to the full extent required by law. The
-            tax ID number for the Tor Project is 20-8096820.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>If I am not in the United States, can I still
-            donate?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes, definitely. Your donation probably isn't
-            tax-deductible (unless you pay taxes on U.S. income) but we
-            would very much appreciate your support. </p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Am I right that the Tor Project has never asked
-            for donations before?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes! We've had a donate button on the site for years,
-            and so far nearly 8,000 people have given money to the Tor
-            Project. But this is the first time we've actively sought
-            donations. To date, much of Tor Project funding has come
-            from United States federal funding sources, such as the
-            U.S. independent agency the International Broadcasting Bureau
-            (IBB) and the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Democracy,
-            Human Rights, and Labor (DRL). While we are grateful for
-            this funding, we don't want the Tor Project to become too
-            dependent on any single type of funding. Crowdfunding is
-            unrestricted--It allows us to spend the money on the projects
-            we think are most important and respond quickly to changing
-            events.  And so, we are asking you to help financially support
-            us, to increase the Tor Project's independence and ensure the
-            sustainability of the products and services we provide.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate to a specific project, or restrict
-            my donation to a particular purpose?</strong></p>
-            <p>No, sorry. If we accept a donation from someone who has
-            specified how they want it used, we're required by the IRS
-            to track and report separately on that money. That would
-            be a big administrative burden for a small organization,
-            and we don't think it's a good idea for us. However, we
-            would be very happy to hear your ideas and feedback about
-            our work. If you're donating using a mechanism that allows
-            for comments, feel free to send your thoughts that way.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate while using the Tor browser?</strong></p>
-            <p>Maybe! In our testing, we saw two scenarios related to
-            Paypal + Tor browser:<br />
-            <ol>
-              <li>Sometimes you get an error after clicking on the
-              'Donate' button. If this is happening to you, you should
-              change your circuit and try again.</li>
-              <li>For users logging in to Paypal: some people had
-              no problem donating via PayPal while using the Tor
-              browser. But, some people couldn't complete the donation
-              process, and one person had their PayPal account temporarily
-              frozen. We recommend not using the Tor browser to donate
-              using your PayPal account, unless you're willing to risk
-              some difficulties with PayPal.</li>
-              </ol></p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>How can I donate via debit or credit card?</strong></p>
-            <p>To donate using a major credit card or debit card (VISA,
-            MasterCard, Discover or American Express) or via PayPal,
-            please visit our donate page. You do not need to have a
-            PayPal account to donate via credit card.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Why do you ask for my address and similar
-            information?</strong></p>
-            <p>If you donate by credit card, you will be asked for some
-            information that's required to process your credit card
-            payment, including your billing address. This allows our
-            payment processor to verify your identity, process your
-            payment, and prevent fraudulent charges to your credit
-            card. We don't ask for information beyond what's required
-            by the payment processor.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Why is there a minimum donation?</strong></p>
-            <p>People who have stolen credit card information often
-            donate to nonprofits as a way of testing whether the card
-            works. These people typically use a very small amount for
-            their testing, and we've found that setting a $1 minimum
-            donation seems to deter them.</p>
-          </li>  
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Is there a maximum donation?</strong></p>
-            <p>No, no, no! More funding from you means we can do more
-            things we are excited to do, like hire a person to monitor
-            the Tor network full time, or research, test, and  implement
-            ideas we have for making  the Tor network even stronger.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate via bitcoin?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes! We accept <a
-            href="<page donate/donate-options>"
-            target="_blank">bitcoin via BitPay</a>.</p>
-          </li>  
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>If I want my donation to be anonymous, what is
-            the best way for me to donate?</strong></p>
-            <p>You can donate by <a href="<page
-            donate/donate-options>#cash">mailing cash</a>.
-            You can donate via bitcoin
-            if you have bitcoin set up in a way that preserves your
-            anonymity. You can buy cash gift cards and mail them to
-            us. There are probably other ways to donate anonymously that
-            we haven't thought of-- maybe you will :)</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Is the Tor Project required to identify me as
-            a donor to the United States government, or to any other
-            authority?</strong></p>
-            <p>If you donate $5,000 or more to the Tor Project in a single
-            year, we are required to report the donation amount and your
-            name and address (if we have it) to the IRS, on Schedule
-            B of the Form 990, which is filed annually. However,  it's
-            normal for nonprofits to redact individual donor information
-            from the copy of the 990 that's made publicly-available, and
-            that's what we do. We are not required to identify donors to
-            any other organization or authority, and we do not. (Also,
-            if  you wanted, you could give us $4,999 in late 2015 and
-            $4,999 in early 2016 ;)</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>In your privacy policy, you say you will never
-            publicly identify me as a donor without my permission. What
-            does that mean?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes, that's right. If you donate to the Tor Project, there
-            will be some people at the Tor Project who know about your
-            donation. However, we will never publicly identify you as
-            a donor, unless you have given us permission to do so. That
-            means we won't post your name on our website, thank you on
-            Twitter, or do anything else that would publicly identify
-            you as someone who has donated. If we decide we would like
-            to publicly name you as a donor, we will ask you first,
-            and will not do it until and unless you say it's okay.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>It's important to me that my donation be
-            tax-deductible, but I don't pay taxes in the United
-            States. </strong></p>
-            <p>Right now, we can only offer tax-deductibility to
-            donors who pay taxes in the United States. If it's
-            important to you that your donations be tax-deductible
-            in a different country, let us know and we will
-            try to offer tax-deductibility in your country in
-            future.  Or, if you are in Germany, France or Sweden, <a
-            href="<page docs/faq>#RelayDonations"
-            target="_blank">these organizations support the Tor
-            network</a> and may be able to offer you tax-deductibility
-            for your donation.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>What if I don't want to use PayPal? Is there
-            another way I can donate? </strong></p>
-            <p>Yes! Here is a list of <a
-            href="<page donate/donate-options>"
-            target="_blank">other ways you can donate</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>What is your donor privacy policy?</strong></p>
-            <p>Here is the Tor Project <a
-            href="<page donate/donor-privacy-policy>" target="_blank">donor
-            privacy policy</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>What is your refund policy?</strong></p>
-            <p>If you want your donation refunded, please tell us
-            by emailing donations(at) To process your
-            refund we'll need to know the date of your donation, the
-            amount you donated, your full name, the payment method you
-            used and your country of origin. Please also tell us why
-            you're asking for a refund. Please note that some payment
-            methods won't support refunds, or require them to be made
-            in a specific way, so we may need additional information
-            from you in order to process yours.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate by mail?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes. Our mailing address is The Tor Project, 217 First Ave 
South #4903,
-            Seattle WA 98194 USA</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Do you accept cash donations?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate stock?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes! Many companies --such as Google, Microsoft, eBay,
-            PayPal, Apple, Verizon, Red Hat, many universities,
-            and others-- will match donations made by their
-            employees. The fastest way to find out if your company
-            matches donations is usually by checking with your
-            HR department, or you can search for your company
-            name at <a href="";
-            target="_blank"></a>. If
-            your company isn't currently set up to match donations
-            to the Tor Project, we would be happy to help with the
-            paperwork. If you want help figuring out the process, write
-            us at donations(at)</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I become a Tor Project member?</strong></p>
-            <p>Right now, we don't have a membership program, but we may
-            set one up in the future. If you want to get involved with
-            the Tor Project, <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>">this
-            is a good place to start</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>How can I get a Tor t-shirt or stickers?</strong></p>
-            <p>If you donate $23 or more, you will get stickers we
-            created just for this campaign. And if you donate $100 or
-            more, you will get a special 'Tor supporter' t-shirt!</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>If I want to stay in touch with the Tor Project,
-            what's the best way for me to do that?</strong></p>
-            <p>You can sign up to receive the <a
-            target="_blank">Tor weekly newsletter</a>, read the <a
-            href=""; target="_blank">Tor
-            blog</a>, or <a href="";
-            target="_blank">follow us on Twitter</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Does the Tor Project participate in the Combined
-            Federal Campaign program?</strong></p>
-            <p>No, Tor doesn't currently participate in the CFC
-            program. If you'd like to get Tor added to the CFC program
-            in your location, that would be great: please let us know
-            if you need any help. </p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate my airline miles, flight vouchers,
-            or hotel points?</strong></p>
-            <p>No, sorry. We would like to accept your miles, vouchers
-            and hotel points, and in the future we may be able to.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate hardware?</strong></p>
-            <p>Typically no, we don't encourage people to donate
-            hardware. But if you want to make a hardware donation that
-            you think might be especially useful for us, please mail
-            donations(at)</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Can I donate my time?</strong></p>
-            <p>Yes. Here's a <a
-            href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>"
-            target="_blank">list of areas where we would love your
-            help</a>.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>I would like my company to support Tor. What can
-            we do to help?</strong></p>
-            <p>Your company could match donations made by its employees
-            to the Tor Project--that would be wonderful. Your
-            company may operate a corporate foundation that
-            gives out grants, and if so, you should encourage it
-            to fund us. Maybe your company would be willing to <a
-            href="<page docs/faq>#HowDoIDecide"
-            target="_blank">operate a Tor relay</a>. If your company
-            sells cloud services, perhaps it could donate these to Tor:
-            We use them in some anti-censorship projects.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>You don't support my preferred way to donate. Can
-            I recommend a new donation method to you?</strong></p>
-            <p>Sure. Just mail us at donations(at)</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>Will the Tor Project accept donations from anybody,
-            or do you reserve the right to reject support from specific
-            organizations or individuals?</strong></p>
-            <p>We do reserve the right to reject a donation. To date
-            though, we haven't exercised that right. We are happy that
-            a broad range of people use and support Tor.</p>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <p><strong>I have more questions. How can I get
-            answers?</strong></p>
-            <p>Feel free to send questions to
-            donations(at) We will try to answer you,
-            and we'll also post your question (and the answer) here.</p>
-          </li>
-          </ol>
-          </div>
-     <div class="col-md-12 col-md-offset-0">
-          <a href="<page donate/donate>" class="btn btn-primary btn-md active" 
role="button">Back to donate page!</a>
-      </div>
-          <!-- Add the extra clearfix for only the required viewport -->
-          <div class="clearfix visible-xs-block"></div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
 #include <donatefoot.wmi>

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