commit 452f2aa9c5cfb4f6c80615c89de75f9f45c0d685
Author: Isis Lovecruft <>
Date:   Mon May 11 22:42:06 2015 +0000

    Remove integration test monkeypatching for very old, deprecated parsers.
     * REMOVE bridgedb.test.deprecated_networkstatus.
     * REMOVE descriptor parsers from bridgedb.test.deprecated (which were
       deprecated by bridgedb.test.deprecated_networkstatus, which was in
       turn deprecated by the Stem-based parsers in
       bridgedb.parse.descriptors as part of #9380).
     * REMOVE monkeypatching of old unittests with (doubly) deprecated
 lib/bridgedb/test/               |  254 -----------------------
 lib/bridgedb/test/ |  275 -------------------------
 lib/bridgedb/test/             |    1 -
 lib/bridgedb/test/               |   11 -
 4 files changed, 541 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/ b/lib/bridgedb/test/
index 181814c..df660b6 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/
@@ -20,260 +20,6 @@ from twisted.python import deprecate
 from twisted.python.versions import Version
-re_ipv6 = re.compile("\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]:(.*$)")
-re_ipv4 = re.compile("((?:\d{1,3}\.?){4}):(.*$)")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
-    "Removed due to 'bridgedb.Bridges.PortList' being moved to "\
-    "'bridgedb.parse.addr.PortList.",
-    "bridgedb.Bridges",
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
-    "Attribute 'bridgedb.Bridges.re_ipv4' was removed due to "\
-    "'bridgedb.Bridges.parseORAddressLine' moving to "\
-    "'bridgedb.parse.networkstatus.",
-    "bridgedb.Bridges",
-    "re_ipv4")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
-    "Attribute 'bridgedb.Bridges.re_ipv6' was removed due to "\
-    "'bridgedb.Bridges.parseORAddressLine' moving to "\
-    "'bridgedb.parse.networkstatus.",
-    "bridgedb.Bridges",
-    "re_ipv6")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 3),
-    ("Removed due to 'bridgedb.Bridges.HEX_FP_LEN' being moved to "
-     "'bridgedb.parse.fingerprint.HEX_FINGERPRINT_LEN."),
-    "bridgedb.Bridges", "HEX_FP_LEN")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 3),
-    ("Removed due to 'bridgedb.Bridges.toHex' being moved to "
-     "'bridgedb.parse.fingerprint.toHex."),
-    "bridgedb.Bridges", "toHex")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 3),
-    ("Removed due to 'bridgedb.Bridges.fromHex' being moved to "
-     "'bridgedb.parse.fingerprint.fromHex."),
-    "bridgedb.Bridges", "fromHex")
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
-    replacement='bridgedb.parse.networkstatus.parseALine')
-def parseORAddressLine(line):
-    """Deprecated :func:`bridgedb.Bridges.parseORAddressLine`, removed in
-    bridgedb-0.1.0, in commit 1f111e5.
-    This function and the newer parsers from :mod:`bridgedb.parse.netstatus`
-    are alternately :api:`~twisted.python.monkey.MonkeyPatcher.patch`ed into
-    the :mod:`old unittests <bridgedb.Tests>`, so that the later functions as
-    a suite of regression tests.
-    """
-    address = None
-    portlist = None
-    # try regexp to discover ip version
-    for regex in [re_ipv4, re_ipv6]:
-        m = regex.match(line)
-        if m:
-            # get an address and portspec, or raise ParseError
-            try:
-                address  = ipaddr.IPAddress(
-                portlist = PortList(
-            except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ParseORAddressError(line)
-    # return a valid address, portlist or raise ParseORAddressError
-    if address and portlist and len(portlist): return address,portlist
-    raise ParseORAddressError(line)
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 3),
-def is_valid_fingerprint(fp):
-    """Return true iff fp in the right format to be a hex fingerprint
-       of a Tor server.
-    """
-    if len(fp) != HEX_FP_LEN:
-        return False
-    try:
-        fromHex(fp)
-    except TypeError:
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 4),
-def parseExtraInfoFile(f):
-    """
-    parses lines in Bridges extra-info documents.
-    returns an object whose type corresponds to the
-    relevant set of extra-info lines.
-    presently supported lines and the accompanying type are:
-        { 'transport': PluggableTransport, }
-    'transport' lines (torspec.git/proposals/180-pluggable-transport.txt)
-        Bridges put the 'transport' lines in their extra-info documents.
-        the format is:
-            transport SP <methodname> SP <address:port> [SP arglist] NL
-    """
-    ID = None
-    for line in f:
-        line = line.strip()
-        argdict = {}
-        # do we need to skip 'opt' here?
-        # if line.startswith("opt "):
-        #     line = line[4:]
-        # get the bridge ID ?
-        if line.startswith("extra-info "): #XXX: get the router ID
-            line = line[11:]
-            (nickname, ID) = line.split()
-            logging.debug("  Parsed Nickname: %s", nickname)
-            if isValidFingerprint(ID):
-                logging.debug("  Parsed fingerprint: %s", ID)
-                ID = fromHex(ID)
-            else:
-                logging.debug("  Parsed invalid fingerprint: %s", ID)
-        # get the transport line
-        if ID and line.startswith("transport "):
-            fields = line[10:].split()
-            if len(fields) >= 3:
-                argdict = {}
-                # PT argumentss are comma-separated in the extrainfo
-                # descriptors. While there *shouldn't* be anything after them
-                # that was separated by a space (and hence would wind up being
-                # in a different `field`), if there was we'll join it to the
-                # rest of the PT arguments with a comma so that they are
-                # parsed as if they were PT arguments as well:
-                allargs = ','.join(fields[2:])
-                for arg in allargs.split(','):
-                    try:
-                        k, v = arg.split('=')
-                    except ValueError:
-                        logging.warn("  Couldn't parse K=V from PT arg: %r" % 
-                    else:
-                        logging.debug("  Parsed PT Argument: %s: %s" % (k, v))
-                        argdict[k] = v
-            # get the required fields, method name and address
-            if len(fields) >= 2:
-                # get the method name
-                # Method names must be C identifiers
-                for regex in [re_ipv4, re_ipv6]:
-                    try:
-                        method_name = 
-                        m = regex.match(fields[1])
-                        address  = ipaddr.IPAddress(
-                        port = int(
-                        logging.debug("  Parsed Transport: %s %s:%d"
-                                      % (method_name, address, port))
-                        yield ID, method_name, address, port, argdict
-                    except (IndexError, ValueError, AttributeError):
-                        # skip this line
-                        continue
-        # end of descriptor is defined how?
-        if ID and line.startswith("router-signature"):
-            ID = None
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 4),
-def parseStatusFile(networkstatusFile):
-    """Parse entries in a bridge networkstatus file.
-    :type networkstatusFile: A file-like object.
-    :param networkstatusFile: A file containing `@type bridge-networkstatus` 
-    """
-    (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp,
-     ORaddr, ORport, dirport, addr, portlist) = (None for x in xrange(9))
-    running = stable = False
-    parsedORAddressLines = 0
-    or_addresses = {}
-    for line in networkstatusFile:
-        line = line.strip()
-        if line.startswith("opt "):
-            line = line[4:]
-        if line.startswith("r "):
-            (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp,
-             ORaddr, ORport, dirport) = networkstatus.parseRLine(line)
-            hexID = toHex(ID)
-            logging.debug("Parsed networkstatus line:")
-            logging.debug("  Nickname:   %s" % nickname)
-            logging.debug("  Identity:   %s" % hexID)
-            if descDigest:
-                descDigest = toHex(descDigest)
-                logging.debug("  Descriptor: {0}".format(descDigest))
-                logging.debug("  Timestamp:  {0}".format(timestamp))
-                logging.debug("  ORAddress:  {0}".format(ORaddr))
-                logging.debug("  ORport:     {0}".format(ORport))
-                logging.debug("  dirport:    {0}".format(dirport))
-        elif ID and line.startswith("a "):
-            try:
-                addr, portlist = networkstatus.parseALine(line, toHex(ID))
-            except networkstatus.NetworkstatusParsingError as error:
-                logging.error(error)
-            else:
-                if (addr is not None) and (portlist is not None):
-                    try:
-                        or_addresses[addr].add(portlist)
-                    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
-                        or_addresses[addr] = portlist
-                    parsedORAddressLines += 1
-        elif ID and timestamp and line.startswith("s "):
-            running, stable = networkstatus.parseSLine(line)
-            logging.debug("Bridges.parseStatusFile(): "
-                          "yielding %s nickname=%s descDigest=%s "
-                          "running=%s stable=%s oraddr=%s orport=%s "
-                          "oraddrs=%s ts=%s"
-                          % (hexID, nickname, descDigest, running,
-                             stable, ORaddr, ORport, or_addresses,
-                             timestamp))
-            yield (ID, nickname, descDigest, running, stable,
-                   ipaddr.IPAddress(ORaddr), ORport,
-                   or_addresses, timestamp)
-            (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp, ORaddr, ORport, dirport,
-             addr, portlist, hexID) = (None for x in xrange(10))
-            running = stable = False
-            or_addresses = {}
-    logging.debug("Total ORAddress lines parsed from '%s': %d"
-                  % (, parsedORAddressLines))
-    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
-    replacement='bridgedb.parse.networkstatus.NetworkstatusParsingError')
-class ParseORAddressError(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, line=None):
-        msg = "Invalid or-address line"
-        if line:
-            msg += ": {0}".format(line)
-        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
     Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 4),
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/ 
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d8c5f..0000000
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
-# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <>
-#           please also see AUTHORS file
-# :copyright: (c) 2013-2015 Isis Lovecruft
-#             (c) 2007-2015, The Tor Project, Inc.
-#             (c) 2007-2015, all entities within the AUTHORS file
-# :license: 3-clause BSD, see included LICENSE for information
-"""Parsers for bridge networkstatus descriptors.
-THE CORRESPONDING FUNCTIONS IN :mod:`bridgedb.parse.descriptors`.
-.. #9380:
-.. py:module:: bridgedb.parse.networkstatus
-   :synopsis: Parsers for ``@type bridge-network-status`` descriptors_.
-.. _descriptors:
-  networkstatus
-   |_ isValidRouterNickname - Determine if a nickname is according to spec
-   |_ parseRLine - Parse an 'r'-line from a networkstatus document
-   |_ parseALine - Parse an 'a'-line from a networkstatus document
-    \_ parseSLine - Parse an 's'-line from a networkstatus document
-import binascii
-import logging
-import string
-import time
-import warnings
-from twisted.python import deprecate
-from twisted.python.log import showwarning
-from twisted.python.versions import Version
-from bridgedb.parse import addr
-from bridgedb.parse import parseUnpaddedBase64
-from bridgedb.parse import InvalidBase64
-from bridgedb.parse.nickname import InvalidRouterNickname
-from bridgedb.parse.nickname import isValidRouterNickname
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 5))
-class NetworkstatusParsingError(Exception):
-    """Unable to parse networkstatus document line."""
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 5))
-class InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(ValueError):
-    """The ID field of a networkstatus document 'r'-line is invalid."""
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 5))
-def parseRLine(line):
-    """Parse an 'r'-line from a networkstatus document.
-    From torspec.git/dir-spec.txt, commit 36761c7d553d L1499-1512:
-      | "r" SP nickname SP identity SP digest SP publication SP IP SP ORPort
-      |     SP DirPort NL
-      |
-      |     [At start, exactly once.]
-      |
-      |     "Nickname" is the OR's nickname.  "Identity" is a hash of its
-      |     identity key, encoded in base64, with trailing equals sign(s)
-      |     removed.  "Digest" is a hash of its most recent descriptor as
-      |     signed (that is, not including the signature), encoded in base64.
-      |     "Publication" is the
-      |     publication time of its most recent descriptor, in the form
-      |     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, in UTC.  "IP" is its current IP address;
-      |     ORPort is its current OR port, "DirPort" is its current directory
-      |     port, or "0" for "none".
-    :param string line: An 'r'-line from an bridge-network-status descriptor.
-    :returns:
-        A 7-tuple of::
-            (nickname, identityDigest, descriptorDigest, timestamp,
-             orAddress, orPort, dirport)
-        where each value is set according to the data parsed from the
-        **line**, or ``None`` if nothing suitable could be parsed.
-    """
-    (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp,
-     ORaddr, ORport, dirport) = (None for x in xrange(7))
-    try:
-        if not line.startswith('r '):
-            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-                "Networkstatus parser received non 'r'-line: %r" % line)
-        line = line[2:] # Chop off the 'r '
-        fields = line.split()
-        if len(fields) != 8:
-            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-                "Wrong number of fields in networkstatus 'r'-line: %r" % line)
-        nickname, ID = fields[:2]
-        try:
-            ID = parseUnpaddedBase64(ID)
-        except InvalidBase64 as error:
-            raise InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity(error)
-        # Check the nickname validity after parsing the ID, otherwise, if the
-        # nickname is invalid, we end up with the nickname being ``None`` and
-        # the ID being unparsed, unpadded (meaning it is technically invalid)
-        # base64.
-        isValidRouterNickname(nickname)
-    except NetworkstatusParsingError as error:
-        logging.error(error)
-        nickname, ID = None, None
-    except InvalidRouterNickname as error:
-        logging.error(error)
-        # Assume that we mostly care about obtaining the OR's ID, then it
-        # should be okay to set the nickname to ``None``, if it was invalid.
-        nickname = None
-    except InvalidNetworkstatusRouterIdentity as error:
-        logging.error(error)
-        ID = None
-    else:
-        try:
-            descDigest = parseUnpaddedBase64(fields[2])
-            timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(" ".join(fields[3:5]),
-                                                  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
-            ORaddr = fields[5]
-            ORport = int(fields[6])
-            dirport = fields[7]
-        except InvalidBase64 as error:
-            logging.error(error)
-            descDigest = None
-        except (AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError) as error:
-            logging.error(error)
-            timestamp = None
-    finally:
-        return (nickname, ID, descDigest, timestamp, ORaddr, ORport, dirport)
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 5))
-def parseALine(line, fingerprint=None):
-    """Parse an 'a'-line of a bridge networkstatus document.
-    From torspec.git/dir-spec.txt, commit 36761c7d553d L1499-1512:
-      |
-      | "a" SP address ":" port NL
-      |
-      |    [Any number.]
-      |
-      |    Present only if the OR has at least one IPv6 address.
-      |
-      |    Address and portlist are as for "or-address" as specified in
-      |    2.1.
-      |
-      |    (Only included when the vote or consensus is generated with
-      |    consensus-method 14 or later.)
-    :param string line: An 'a'-line from an bridge-network-status descriptor.
-    :type fingerprint: string or None
-    :param fingerprint: A string which identifies which OR the descriptor
-        we're parsing came from (since the 'a'-line doesn't tell us, this can
-        help make the log messages clearer).
-    :raises: :exc:`NetworkstatusParsingError`
-    :rtype: tuple
-    :returns: A 2-tuple of a string respresenting the IP address and a
-        :class:`bridgedb.parse.addr.PortList`.
-    """
-    ip = None
-    portlist = None
-    if line.startswith('a '):
-        line = line[2:] # Chop off the 'a '
-    else:
-        logging.warn("Networkstatus parser received non 'a'-line for %r:"\
-                     "  %r" % (fingerprint or 'Unknown', line))
-    try:
-        ip, portlist = line.rsplit(':', 1)
-    except ValueError as error:
-        logging.error("Bad separator in networkstatus 'a'-line: %r" % line)
-        return (None, None)
-    if ip.startswith('[') and ip.endswith(']'):
-        ip = ip.strip('[]')
-    try:
-        if not addr.isIPAddress(ip):
-            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-                "Got invalid IP Address in networkstatus 'a'-line for %r: %r"
-                % (fingerprint or 'Unknown', line))
-        if addr.isIPv4(ip):
-            warnings.warn(FutureWarning(
-                "Got IPv4 address in networkstatus 'a'-line! "\
-                "Networkstatus document format may have changed!"))
-    except NetworkstatusParsingError as error:
-        logging.error(error)
-        ip, portlist = None, None
-    try:
-        portlist = addr.PortList(portlist)
-        if not portlist:
-            raise NetworkstatusParsingError(
-                "Got invalid portlist in 'a'-line for %r!\n  Line: %r"
-                % (fingerprint or 'Unknown', line))
-    except (addr.InvalidPort, NetworkstatusParsingError) as error:
-        logging.error(error)
-        portlist = None
-    else:
-        logging.debug("Parsed networkstatus ORAddress line for %r:"\
-                      "\n  Address: %s  \tPorts: %s"
-                      % (fingerprint or 'Unknown', ip, portlist))
-    finally:
-        return (ip, portlist)
-@deprecate.deprecated(Version('bridgedb', 0, 2, 5))
-def parseSLine(line):
-    """Parse an 's'-line from a bridge networkstatus document.
-    The 's'-line contains all flags assigned to a bridge. The flags which may
-    be assigned to a bridge are as follows:
-    From torspec.git/dir-spec.txt, commit 36761c7d553d L1526-1554:
-      |
-      | "s" SP Flags NL
-      |
-      |    [Exactly once.]
-      |
-      |    A series of space-separated status flags, in lexical order (as ASCII
-      |    byte strings).  Currently documented flags are:
-      |
-      |      "BadDirectory" if the router is believed to be useless as a
-      |         directory cache (because its directory port isn't working,
-      |         its bandwidth is always throttled, or for some similar
-      |         reason).
-      |      "Fast" if the router is suitable for high-bandwidth circuits.
-      |      "Guard" if the router is suitable for use as an entry guard.
-      |      "HSDir" if the router is considered a v2 hidden service directory.
-      |      "Named" if the router's identity-nickname mapping is canonical,
-      |         and this authority binds names.
-      |      "Stable" if the router is suitable for long-lived circuits.
-      |      "Running" if the router is currently usable.
-      |      "Valid" if the router has been 'validated'.
-      |      "V2Dir" if the router implements the v2 directory protocol.
-    :param string line: An 's'-line from an bridge-network-status descriptor.
-    :rtype: tuple
-    :returns: A 2-tuple of booleans, the first is True if the bridge has the
-        "Running" flag, and the second is True if it has the "Stable" flag.
-    """
-    line = line[2:]
-    flags = [x.capitalize() for x in line.split()]
-    fast    = 'Fast' in flags
-    running = 'Running' in flags
-    stable  = 'Stable' in flags
-    guard   = 'Guard' in flags
-    valid   = 'Valid' in flags
-    if (fast or running or stable or guard or valid):
-        logging.debug("Parsed Flags: %s%s%s%s%s"
-                      % ('Fast ' if fast else '',
-                         'Running ' if running else '',
-                         'Stable ' if stable else '',
-                         'Guard ' if guard else '',
-                         'Valid ' if valid else ''))
-    # Right now, we only care about 'Running' and 'Stable'
-    return running, stable
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/ 
index a039f91..571b3ca 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByNotBlockedIn
 from bridgedb.Stability import BridgeHistory
 from bridgedb.parse import addr
-from bridgedb.test import deprecated_networkstatus as networkstatus
 from bridgedb.test.util import bracketIPv6
 from bridgedb.test.util import randomIP
 from bridgedb.test.util import randomIPv4
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/test/ b/lib/bridgedb/test/
index e78a4c4..84c3f8b 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/test/
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/test/
@@ -84,17 +84,6 @@ def monkeypatchTests():
               patches from :mod:`bridgedb.test.deprecated`.
     patcher = monkey.MonkeyPatcher()
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.networkstatus, 'parseALine',
-                     deprecated.parseORAddressLine)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.addr, 'PortList', deprecated.PortList)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'PORTSPEC_LEN', 16)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 're_ipv4', deprecated.re_ipv4)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 're_ipv6', deprecated.re_ipv6)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'HEX_FP_LEN', 40)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'toHex', binascii.b2a_hex)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'fromHex', binascii.a2b_hex)
-    patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'is_valid_fingerprint',
-                     deprecated.is_valid_fingerprint)
     patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'PluggableTransport',
     patcher.addPatch(Tests.bridgedb.Bridges, 'Bridge',

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