On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:54:30 +0200
Moritz Bartl <mor...@torservers.net> wrote:

> I believe your best bet here is: Think about how you would want the
> interface to look like, and make it easy for future build people to
> follow that.

You can see this bug for a screenshot of what the settings dialog looks
like so far: https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher/issues/29

The "I prefer" dropdown has these options:

* Tor Browser Bundle - stable
* Tor Browser Bundle - alpha
* Obfsproxy Tor Browser Bundle

Right now it seems like the only way to tell what version of Obfsproxy
TBB to download is by going here:

I'd rather not have Tor Browser Launcher make a GET request there and
then try to parse. That's a very brittle approach and will break as
soon as torproject.org gets redesigned, or even the layout of just
that page changes.

Would it be possible to include the current recommended obsfproxy
version in this document?

That would make life way easier.

> The final goal is to not have separate bundles at all, so you should
> implement it in a way that separate bundles can easily be dropped (or
> added) in the future.

That would be great! When that happens, Tor Browser Launcher can be

Micah Lee

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