On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 02:53:56PM -0700, Arlo Breault wrote:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7944
> Hello,
> I wrote a little wrapper to provide a headless flash proxy.
> It requires node.js >= v0.8.x
> To install and run,
>     > npm install -g flashproxy  # adds the flashproxy bin to your path
>     > flashproxy

I didn't find the npm nor nodejs packages on Debian testing; apparently
they are only in unstable. However "apt-get install npm nodejs" worked
from universe on Ubuntu 11.04. I also needed "apt-get install git".

I tried installing without the -g option. This seemed to copy a
directory tree into the current directory.

npm install flashproxy
npm start flashproxy

>From there I started seeing debug messages.

Anyone else care to test this procedure? This is a way of running a
flash proxy without a browser; i.e. as a background daemon.

David Fifield
tor-dev mailing list

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