Nathan Freitas wrote:
> Have you looked into BitTorrent Sync? You can do semi-private (I
> believe) Dropbox-like Torrent shares, that could be provisioned based on
> emails or other requests from users.
> There is a really nice mobile BitTorrent Sync app, so I have
> particularly been interested in this as a means to distribute apps to
> Iran and China.
> +n

  I haven't looked into BitTorrent Sync, actually.  But that sounds like
it could be an improvement on torrent distribution (or at least an
additional approach).  I'm not sure to what extent user downloads are
tracked via mobile phones in the target areas, but my assumption is
100%.  Having said that, I'd like to know more -- and it makes absolute
sense for something like Orbot to be distributed friend-to-friend via
BlueTooth or something like BitTorrent Sync.

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