On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:57:08AM -0500, Nicholas Hopper wrote:
> >    We can try to mitigate this phenomenon by giving higher priority to
> >    young guards to be picked as guards:
> I'm pretty sure this section has it backwards from what was the intent
> of the discussion of "guard age" at the dev meeting.


>  The weight
> factor should be applied when choosing a "new guard" as a middle or
> exit node, because it is being underutilized as a guard.  This makes
> it straightforward to apply: if relay R has had the guard flag for
> fraction k of the last rotation period, then its weight for some other
> position should be
> k*(weight with the guard flag) + (1-k)*(weight without the guard flag)

Sounds good to me.


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