Hello all,

So as some of you know, I've been working on installers for hidden services, to ideally make very common services (such as blogs and plain websites) easy to deploy and automatically update. This is a very rough version of the one-click hidden service installer, but I'd love to get feedback on places where it breaks and where it could use a major structural change.

Script is here, please feel free to flag bugs or tell me how I'm doing it wrong:

Q: Can I use this right now to set up a hidden service?
A: Please don't use this in production until firewall settings are in place.

Q: Are there firewall settings in place?
A: Not yet - the current setup is entirely for development and should not be used as-is.


"I believe that usability is a security concern; systems that do
not pay close attention to the human interaction factors involved
risk failing to provide security by failing to attract users."
~Len Sassaman
tor-dev mailing list

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